

单词 sampler
释义 sam·pler
I. \-plə(r)\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French essamplaire, from Late Latin exemplarium — more at exemplar
1. obsolete : an original model or characteristic sample : archetype, example
 < Christ's baptism was the perfect sampler and pattern of ours — Daniel Featley >
 a. : a practical example of needlework patterns; especially : a piece of cloth with rows of different embroidery stitches worked across it
 b. : a decorative square or rectangular piece of needlework typically having the alphabet, numbers, family names and dates, and a motto embroidered on it in various stitches as an example of skill
II. \-p(ə)lə(r)\ noun
Etymology: sample (II) + -er
1. : one that collects or examines samples: as
  (1) : one that determines the quality of a product by testing samples taken from it
   < cotton sampler >
   < grain sampler >
  (2) : one that prepares samples
   < the sampler extracts olives from the barrels for the inspector >
 b. : a customs inspector who compares samples of merchandise with discharge permits and endorses the permits if there are no discrepancies
 c. : a mechanical device for obtaining a small quantity of something for testing or analysis
  < grab samplers … are designed to take a surface sample of the bottom — J.D.Isaacs >
 a. : one that contains representative specimens or selections
  < a fiction sampler from the work of a notable … writer — Harvey Breit >
  < cities became … samplers of the past styles of every country but our own — American Guide Series: Virginia >
 b. : a trial package or assortment intended to introduce a product to potential customers
  < a connoisseur's sampler containing small packets of six choice teas >
  < each preparation has its … niche in the samplerPhoenix Flame >
3. : one engaged in statistical sampling
 < a sampler of public opinion >
III. noun
: a synthesizer that reproduces recorded sounds




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