释义 |
fre·quen·cy \ˈnsē, -si\ noun (-es) Etymology: Latin frequentia crowd, from frequent-, frequens crowded, frequent + -ia -y 1. : the quality or state of being frequent: as a. obsolete : frequent use or practice : familiarity b. : the fact or condition of occurring frequently : occurrence often repeated : common occurrence < the frequency of crimes has aroused the public > 2. a. : the number of times that a periodic function takes on the same sequence of values as the independent variable (as one that represents time) varies through one unit : the reciprocal of the period b. : the number of individuals falling within a single class when objects are classified according to variations in a set of one or more specified attributes 3. : the number of repetitions of a periodic process in a unit of time: as a. : the number of complete alternations per second of an alternating electric current b. : the number of sound waves per second produced by a sounding body (as a tuning fork) c. : the number of complete oscillations per second of the electric or magnetic component of an electromagnetic wave |