释义 |
sap·phic I. \ˈsafik, -fēk\ adjective Etymology: Latin sapphicus, from Greek sapphikos, from Sapphō Sappho fl ab 600 B.C. Greek lyric poetess of Lesbos + -ikos -ic 1. usually capitalized : of or relating to the Greek lyric poetess Sappho 2. sometimes capitalized [so called from the reputed lesbian group associated with Sappho] : of or relating to erotic indulgence 3. sometimes capitalized [so called from being the verse forms used by Sappho] : of, relating to, or consisting of a four line strophe of three primarily trochaic lines made up of five equal beats of which the middle is a dactyl and the others are of two syllables and followed by an adonic II. noun (-s) Usage: sometimes capitalized 1. : a sapphic strophe 2. : a line of verse having the metrical pattern of one of the first three lines of a sapphic strophe 3. : a verse composed of sapphic strophes |