释义 |
sca·bi·ous I. \ˈskābēəs\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English scabiose, from Medieval Latin scabiosa (herba), from Latin, feminine of scabiosus scabious, mangy; from its supposed efficacy in the treatment of scabies 1. : a plant of the genus Scabiosa: as a. : sweet scabious b. : field scabious 2. : any of several fleabanes (genus Erigeron): as a. : horseweed 1 b. : daisy fleabane 3. : blue scabious II. adjective Etymology: Latin scabiosus scurfy, scabby, mangy, from scabies + -osus -ous 1. : consisting of scabs : scabby 2. : of, relating to, or like scabies < scabious eruptions > |