释义 |
sca·lar I. \ˈskālə(r)\ adjective Etymology: Latin scalaris of a ladder or staircase, from scalae stairs, ladder — more at scale 1. : arranged like a ladder : having an uninterrupted series of steps : graduated, scalariform < scalar chain of authority in business organization > < scalar cells > 2. [probably from scale (VI) + -ar] : discribable by a number that can be represented by a point on a scale < a scalar quantity > II. noun (-s) 1. a. : an undirected quantity in vector analysis and quaternions : a quantity fully described by a number — distinguished from vector b. : a scalar number 2. : a quantity (as mass or time) that has magnitude but does not involve any concept of direction — compare vector 1b III. adjective : of or relating to a scalar or scalar product |