

单词 functional
释义 func·tion·al
\ˈfəŋ(k)shənəl, -shnəl\ adjective
 a. : of, connected with, or being a function
  < replace the foreman who supervised all aspects of work with several functional foremen >
  < a manager who has functional authority over a specified process through the several departments >
  : dependently related
  < many similarities, some functional to the pastoral nomadic way of life, some due to historical relationship — Elizabeth Bacon >
 b. : of, relating to, or based on function or functioning
  < the problem now is not a constitutional one, it is a functional one … to make the machinery established at San Francisco work — C.M.Eichelberger >
  < a functional expert, available to keep the administrative organization … in good running order — F.R.M.de Paula >
  < a functional presentation of government activities that groups related items regardless of agency or location >
  (1) : affecting functions but not structure — compare anatomic, organic, psychogenic
  (2) : of or selected by functional representation
   < delegates elected on a functional rather than geographical basis >
   : occupational
  (3) : of or affecting the adaptation of a property (as equipment or a building) to prevailing standards or use
   < the air-conditioned coach resulted in the functional obsolescence of the old day coach >
2. : existing or used to contribute to the development or maintenance of a larger whole : having a useful function
 < a style of writing in which every word is functional >
 < its trunk and branches were a functional part of the tree house >
 a. : designed or developed chiefly from the point of view of use : utilitarian
  < functional architecture >
  < functional fabrics >
  < the play's dialogue was strictly functional >
 b. : relating directly to everyday needs and interests : concerned with application in activity : practical
  < functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable, not abstract and theoretical >
 c. : carrying out or consisting of a group of related activities : performing a specialized service
  < the European Defense Community and other functional arms of the emerging political structure — New Republic >
  < whether functional cooperation would lead to structural union >
3. : performing or able to perform its regular function : in a functioning condition
 < vision that is functional only in bright light >
: working
 < the flashlight was still functional after being dropped >
4. : placing related functions in an industry or business under the direction of a specialist : having specialized administration
 < functional organization >
 < functional management >
5. : functionalist
6. : relating or attempting to demonstrate the relatedness of any single aspect of culture to the maintenance of an integrated sociocultural whole
 < in our western civilization the personal life and the functional life have fallen apart — P.C.W.Gutkind >
 < functional sociology >
7. : having no neurological or organic pathology
 < a functional psychosis caused by maladjustment >
 < in the functional … disorders the amount of organ pathology which is discovered, even with careful and thorough examination, is neither sufficient nor impressive enough to account for the symptoms — E.A.Strecker >




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