

单词 furnish
释义 fur·nish
I. \ˈfərnish, ˈfə̄n-, ˈfəin-, -nēsh, chiefly in pres part -nəsh\ verb
Etymology: Middle English furnisshen, from Middle French furniss-, fourniss-, forniss-, stem of furnir, fournir, fornir to complete, carry out, equip, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German frummen to carry out, complete, Old Saxon frummian; causative-denominatives from the noun represented by Old High German fruma advantage, profit — more at foremost
transitive verb
 a. : to provide or supply with what is needed, useful, or desirable : equip
  < 'tis now but four o'clock. We have two hours to furnish us — Shakespeare >
  — usually used with following with
  < the wary collector sends for someone who can furnish him with … evidence of the authenticity of his picture — Clive Bell >
  < fins … furnished with strong pointed spines — Richard Semon >
 b. : to supply (as a room or building) with furniture or appliances : equip for use
  < a luxuriously furnished reception room — John Pudney >
2. obsolete : to fit out for work or active service
 < Bucephalus … being saddled and furnished … could endure none but Alexander — Edward Topsell >
3. obsolete : ornament, decorate
 < I'll show thee some attires and have thy counsel which is the best to furnish me tomorrow — Shakespeare >
4. : to make a gift of (something needed or desirable) : contribute, afford, yield
 < the southeast trade winds and the tropical foliage furnish alleviating coolness — H.A.Chippendale >
intransitive verb
1. : to equip living quarters with furniture and appliances
 < the modern young couple about to furnish — R.D.Benn >
2. chiefly dialect Britain : to gain strength and weight : become fully developed : mature: as
 a. of a horse : to gain strength and stamina
 b. : to have a fully developed comb, hackle, saddle, and tail
  < in White Leghorns … there is the type which furnishes slowly, the comb being slow in the growing and the feathering long — Australasian >
 equip, outfit, appoint, arm, accouter: furnish is a general term indicating supplying and providing; it may apply to anything supplied
  < music was furnished by the United States Army Band — American Guide Series: Oregon >
  < such education as the local schools could furnish — G.F.Smythe >
  but is used typically with tangible more or less permanent articles for use
  < to furnish a room >
  equip, likewise wide in application
  < equip oneself to practice law >
 applies often to the provision of specific things making for greater convenience or utility
  < the house is three stories high, and is equipped with a conservatory — American Guide Series: New Jersey >
  < delightful picnic spots along the way, equipped with outdoor fireplaces, lunch tables, and springwater — American Guide Series: Vermont >
  outfit suggests provision of various things needed for a journey, expedition, or occasion
  < it took several days to outfit me for my journey to Washington — Willa Cather >
  < an English ship outfitted by Raleigh arrived with supplies and reinforcements — American Guide Series: North Carolina >
  appoint may suggest elegant equipment; the word is less used today in this sense than previously
  < the interior has been appointed with pieces associated with the Colonial period — American Guide Series: New York City >
  < it has beautifully appointed lounges, cafeteria, dining room, meeting rooms — American Guide Series: Michigan >
  arm often applies to supplying or furnishing that which adds to strength or security, to means of defense or offense
  < ever youthful in ardor, and armed with the shining sword of truth, he fought and killed many ogres who oppressed the children of the light — M.R.Cohen >
  < armed with wide powers and unlimited resources — T.D.McCormick >
  accouter indicates the providing of dress, personal equipment, and weapons for combat or as if for combat
  < lying hidden in her bosom was a loaded pistol. Lying hidden at her waist was a sharpened dagger. Thus accoutered … Madame Defarge took her way — Charles Dickens >
  < the fully accoutered members of a Wild West show — Saturday Review >
Synonym: see in addition provide.
II. noun
1. : an act or instance of furnishing
2. : something furnished: as
 a. : the raw materials placed in a beater for making paper pulp
 b. South : groceries and supplies provided on credit to a plantation tenant by the owner




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