释义 |
fu·see I. noun or fu·zee \(ˈ)fyü|zē\ (-s) Etymology: French fusée, literally, spindleful of yarn, from Old French fusee, from fus spindle, from Latin fusus 1. : a conical spirally grooved pulley in a timepiece from which a cord or chain unwinds onto a barrel containing the spring, the increasing diameter of the pulley compensating for the lessening power of the spring 2. : fuse I 1 3. obsolete : a bony growth on the leg of a horse 4. a. : a wooden match with a bulbous head not easily blown out when ignited b. : a paper match impregnated with niter and tipped with sulfur 5. : a red signal flare used especially for protecting stalled trains and trucks II. noun or fuzee \“\ (-s) Etymology: modification of French fusil — more at fusil 1. : a flintlock gun : firelock 2. : fusilier |