

单词 fusillade
释义 fu·sil·lade
I. \ˈfyüsəˌlād, -üzə-, -äd, -ȧd, ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷\ noun
Etymology: French, from fusiller to shoot (from fusil) + -ade
 a. : a number of shots fired simultaneously or in rapid succession especially with small arms : volley
  < a fusillade of buckshot — Horace Sutton >
 b. : firing squad
  < he was condemned to death … and died by the fusillade — W.O.Scroggs >
2. : a spirited outburst of any sort
 < a fusillade of marimba music — Maud Oakes >
specifically : a barrage of criticism
 < never … has a new head of government come under such a fusillade from his own party — Atlantic >
II. transitive verb
: to attack or shoot down by simultaneous or rapidly successive gunfire




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