

单词 score
释义 score
I. \ˈskō(ə)r, ˈskȯ(ə)r, -ōə, -ȯ(ə)\ noun
(-s ; see sense 1a)
Etymology: Middle English scor, from Old Norse skor notch, tally, twenty; akin to Old Norse skera to cut, carve — more at shear
 a. or plural score
  (1) : a sum of twenty : twenty
   < more than a score of cities >
   < his paintings have … appeared in over a score of smaller exhibitions — Think >
  (2) : a group of 20 things
   < a few score … will be authorized to write and speak — O.T.Mallery >
   < the flock numbers about two score >
   < his years were four score >
  (3) : a unit of weight especially for pigs or oxen equal to 20 or 21 pounds
  (4) obsolete : a unit of distance equal to 20 yards
 b. scores plural : a group containing an indefinitely large number
  < scores of lakes >
  < scores of people made homeless by a storm >
 a. : a line made with or as if with a sharp instrument : notch, incision, scratch
  < the score should run with the grain whenever possible — Book Production >
  < scores, although they do not pass entirely through the skin, are almost as bad as cuts, because they weaken the leather — Crops in Peace & War >
  < a score made by a piston on a cylinder wall >
 especially : one made as a tally mark
  (1) : a notch (as made in timber) in which another part is fitted
  (2) : the groove cut at the ends and sides of a block to admit the strap
 c. : an indented line or partial cut in paper, metal, or other material to aid in folding or tearing
 a. : a mark used as a starting point or a goal : taw — see curling illustration
 b. : a mark made on the surface of a pavement by traffic
 c. : a mark or line made for the purpose of keeping account
 a. : an account or reckoning kept by making marks on a tally
 b. : account
  < I keep … some sort of log or score of what occupies me — Gilbert Ryle >
  < bade them call at the inn on their way home and drink a pint on his score — Adrian Bell >
 c. : amount due : indebtedness
  < leaving others to pay the score — Edith Wharton >
5. : an obligation or injury kept in mind for requital : grudge
 < took advantage of the meeting to settle old scoresAmerican Guide Series: Louisiana >
 a. : account, reason, motive, ground
  < the first airplane was not perfect but it was not chopped up and abandoned on that score — H.C.Lodge >
  < excused himself from the bullring on the score of fatigue — Frank Yerby >
  < his situation was still very desperate; on that score he allowed himself no illusions — Rafael Sabatini >
 b. : behalf, sake
  < ideas on the score of feminine loveliness were bounded on all four sides by the golden vision — T.B.Costain >
  < the droning on that score I had to listen to — Learned Hand >
 a. : the original and entire draft or its transcript of a musical composition or an arrangement with the parts for the different instruments or voices written on staffs one above another — compare reduction, short score
  < orchestral score >
  < piano score >
 b. : a musical composition having parts for different instruments or voices
 c. : a complete description of a dance composition in choreographic notation — compare laban system
 a. : the number of points gained by contestants in a game or other contest
 b. : an account of points made and other specific items in a game or contest; broadly : total count : summary
  < had a score of 21 killings — W.J.Ghent >
  < holds low score on reading best sellers — Current Biography >
 c. : an act or instance of scoring in a game or contest; also : a winning point
  < scores are made by carrying or passing the ball over the goal line >
 d. : a successful move or stroke : hit
  < the remark was not intended as a score against him >
9. : a number expressing the degree of success in a psychological or educational test in terms of the amount performed or of the time required or of the difficulty surmounted or of the accuracy and excellence of the performance
10. : a numerical rating of quality (as of an animal or of butter) that usually is made on the basis of 100 as a perfect rating and is arrived at by adding numerical values assigned according to some definite scheme to specific significant characteristics (as conformation, condition of coat, aroma)
 < 93 score butter >
 < no animal had a score above 80 >
11. slang : a successful theft or its proceeds
12. : the stark inescapable facts or often the unglossed prospects of a situation
 < know the score on unemployment >
 < many victims of communism know what the score is — Armed Forces Talk >

- go off at score
- in score
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English scoren, from Old Norse skora, from skor, n.
transitive verb
 a. : to keep record or account of by or as if by notches on a tally : set down : record, charge
 b. : to enter a record of the indebtedness of — often used with up
  < scoring up the customers >
 c. : to enumerate in a record : count, list, reckon — often used with up
  < men who would observe and score up each point and counterpoint — Osbert Sitwell >
  < asked to score a high rating — Book Production >
  < scores him right — J.D.Morris >
2. : to mark with a line
 < jet planes score the heavens with their vapor trails — Phil Stong >
 a. obsolete : to indicate by or as if by lines — used with out
  < to score out a path >
 b. : to mark with significant lines or notches (as in keeping account of something)
  < to score a tally >
  < pavements … were scored with chalk marks for hopscotch — Rebecca West >
 c. : to cancel by drawing a line through — often used with off or out
  < scores through a figure that is wrong — Seven to Eleven >
  < he introduced into his reckoning sets of fixed exceptions, amendments on amendments; then he scored them all off — Van Wyck Brooks >
3. : to cut so as to mark with lines, scratches, or notches : notch, scratch, furrow
 < score timber >
 < the brakedrum surface becomes scored when it is worn by braking action — Principles of Automotive Vehicles >
 < the flood has scored out a deep channel in the middle of the lane — C.S.Jarvis >
 a. : to cut deeply into in more or less parallel lines
  < score the flounder diagonally into a diamond pattern nearly to the backbone of the fleshy side — Jan Sebastian >
  < peels … cucumbers, scores them with the tines of a fork — Jane Nickerson >
 b. : to abrade in parallel scratches
  < rock scored by a moving glacier >
 c. : to crease (as paper or paperboard) so that it will fold easily at a desired line
  < each form is scored without ink in two places across the face to provide a guide and aid for folding — L.B.Gatchell >
 d. : to record by cuts or notches — used with on or upon
 a. : to lash so as to mark with welts
 b. : berate, excoriate, scold, castigate
  < my predecessors were equally scored for expressing personal opinions at variance with the criticism in the magazine — Norman Cousins >
  < magistrate … scored the youths, calling them “rough, tough show-offs” — New York Times >
  < much more interesting conversation than the itch to score people off — J.C.Powys >
 a. : to gain (as points or runs in a game) for addition to the score
  < scored a home run >
 b. : to make an entry of the score of (a game or contest) : keep score in
 c. : to have as a value in a game or contest : count
  < a touchdown scores six >
 d. : to add to one's score (as in a game or contest)
 e. : to cause (a teammate) to make a score
  < scored the man on second >
 f. : gain, achieve, win
  < the enemy scored a local gain >
  < score a victory >
  < score a theatrical success >
  < a reporter scored a scoop >
  < a bomb that scores a direct hit >
 a. : to determine the merit of : grade, mark
  < score a test or examination >
  < score candidates for a job on the basis of their skill or knowledge >
 b. : to determine or judge the score of
  < butter was scored weekly — G.H.Wilster >
  < dogs were scored according to their merits — W.F.Brown b. 1903 >
 a. : to orchestrate or arrange (a musical composition) for performance
  < one refrain takes two and a half hours to score and copy — R.R.Bennett >
  < was originally scored for four orchestras — Ralph Hill >
  (1) : to compose a score for (a motion picture)
  (2) : to add music to a motion picture that already has sound effects
 a. : to bring (as a horse) up to the starting line
 b. : to warm up (a trotter or pacer) down the stretch immediately prior to a race
intransitive verb
1. obsolete : to run up an account of indebtedness
 a. : to make marks
 b. : to mark lines (as by incision)
 c. : cut
3. : to keep score in a game or contest
4. : to make or count a point in or as if in a game or contest : tally
 < scored in the 7th inning >
 < a bad throw from the catcher is almost sure to allow the runner to score — W.L.Myers >
 a. : to gain or have the advantage : win
  < enjoyed scoring over an opponent — Béla Menczer >
  < nylon also scores over cotton and wool in being resistant to moths — Desmond Reilly >
 b. : to make a success
  < an actor who scores in a play >
 c. : rate
  < poinsettias have scored high, especially at Christmastime — Anne Dorrance >
 a. : to approach the starting line ready for the start
  < a horse scores for a race >
 b. of a pack of hounds : to give tongue as a group on finding the scent
7. slang : to purchase narcotics
 < told his stories of scoring in such places — Clellon Holmes >
III. noun
slang : a purchase or sale of narcotics
IV. transitive verb
1. : to have sexual relations with
 < adventuress who … scores the dude and splits — Elizabeth Ashley >
2. : to be successful in obtaining
 < should be able to score a ham sandwich — Glenn O'Brien >
intransitive verb
: to succeed in having sexual relations
 < college roommates who … score with the same girl — L.H.Lapham >




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