释义 |
gar·rote I. noun or gar·rotte also gar·otte \gəˈrä]t, gaˈr-, -ˈrō], ˈgarə] also ˈgerə], usu ]d.+V\ (-s) Etymology: Spanish garrote club, garrote, probably from Middle French garrot heavy wooden projectile 1. a. : a Spanish method of execution by means of an iron collar affixed to a post and tightened by a screw until the victim is strangled b. : the instrument with which the execution is effected < before each turn of the garrotte the Greek was ordered to tell the truth — W.S.Maugham > 2. a. : strangulation as if with the garrote especially with robbery as the motive b. : an implement (as a length of piano wire with wooden handles) used for this purpose II. transitive verb or garrotte also garotte \“\ (garroted or garrotted also garotted ; garroted or garrotted also garotted ; garroting or garrotting also garotting ; garrotes or garrottes also garottes) 1. : to execute with or as if with a garrote < the rule now is to garrote culprits within the walls of the prison — Westminster Gazette > 2. : to seize by the throat from behind in order to strangle and rob < men … who would rather garrote a traveler than anything else in the world — Nicholas Monsarrat > |