释义 |
screw I. \ˈskrü\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English skrewe, from Middle French escroe, escroue female screw, nut, from Medieval Latin scrofa, from Latin, sow 1. a. : a simple machine of the inclined plane type consisting of a spirally grooved solid cylinder and a correspondingly grooved hollow cylinder of equal dimensions in which the applied force acts in a spiral path along the grooves while the resisting force acts along the axis of the cylinder — compare jackscrew b. : a cylinder with a helical cut groove on the outer surface or a cone with a conical spiral groove used variously (as to fasten, apply pressure, transmit motion, or make adjustments) especially where a large mechanical advantage and irreversible motion are desired; specifically : a cylindrical fastener that is usually pointed, that has a head with a slot or recess, that is helically or spirally threaded, and that is designed for insertion into material by rotating (as with a screwdriver) — compare archimedes' screw, differential screw, hindley's screw, interrupted screw, left-hand screw thread, machine screw, right-handed screw, wood screw, worm c. : a hollow cylinder or cone with a spiral groove upon its inner surface into which a male screw may advance and fit when rotated in the proper direction — compare nut 2. : any of various devices consisting wholly or partly of a screw or possessing a worm: as a. obsolete : gimlet b. : a wormed tool used for pulling; specifically : corkscrew c. : the worm of a corkscrew or gimlet d. usually screws plural : thumbscrew 2 e. : screw propeller f. : a threaded device used in bone surgery for fixation of parts (as fragments of fractured bones) 3. a. (1) : a form resembling a screw : spiral < stems thin and lightly twisted — the screw being communicated to the surface — Albert Hartshorne > (2) : something having a spiral form < scarcely the screw of his tail to be seen — R.D.Blackmore > (3) : a twisting out of shape : contortion < a kind of screw in her face and carriage, expressive of suppressed emotion — Charles Dickens > b. : a spiral twisting motion : a screwing motion < the barber pole rested its stripes from their daily screw — Herbert Gold > c. : spiral threading or grooving d. (1) Britain : spin imparted to a cue ball by screwing it (2) Britain : a shot made by screwing the cue ball (3) : a similar spin imparted to the ball in various other games (as ping-pong) 4. : a means of applying painful physical, mental, or moral pressure (as for coercion or extortion) < the bookie turns on the screws for his money — Newsweek > < they feel the screw: they dread exposure — Henry James †1916 > — usually used in plural 5. a. : an act of copulation — usually considered vulgar b. : a partner in sexual intercourse — usually considered vulgar 6. : key 7. : a worn-out, broken-down, or otherwise unsound horse 8. a. (1) : a prison guard (2) : turnkey (3) : policeman b. : an extortionate person : a sharp bargainer : skinflint c. slang : fool < why, the old screw took that for a compliment — Joseph Hergesheimer > d. : cowboy 9. chiefly Britain : a small paper packet wrapped by twisting both ends and often used for small quantities (as of tobacco, salt, pepper) for ready use 10. : screw-ship 11. Britain : salary, pay 12. Britain : look, glance < had a screw at his self in the glass — Richard Llewellyn > II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. a. (1) : to attach or fasten by means of a screw < screw a lock on a door > (2) : to close and seal shut by means of a screw < screwed the box top tight > (3) : to unite or separate by means of a screw or a twisting motion < screw the two pieces together > (4) : to press tightly in a device (as a vise) operated by a screw (5) : to operate, tighten, or adjust by means of a screw; specifically : to tighten or raise the pitch of (a musical string) by turning a screw or key (6) : to torture by means of a thumbscrew (7) : to lace very tight (8) : to cap or uncap by twisting a cover < so clumsy with sleepiness that he could hardly screw open the toothpaste — Clemence Dane > < screw the jar tight > b. (1) : to insert (as a spirally grooved object) into a usually spirally grooved receptacle with a twisting motion < screw one piece of the fishing rod into the other > (2) : to cause to rotate spirally about an axis < the level may be adjusted by screwing the bolt up or down > (3) : to rotate (a receptacle with internal spiral grooves) about a male screw < screw on a nut > 2. a. (1) : to twist (as the face) into strained or contorted configurations < their tanned faces screwed into painful and unaccustomed lines of concentration — E.A.McCourt > < their shoulders screwed up with the cold — Willa Cather > (2) : to partially close or otherwise alter the shape of (an eye) : squint < screwed her eyes tight and tried to read the lettering — Mavis Gallant > < screw up one eye into an imaginary monocle — J.P.O'Donnell > (3) : to roll and twist into a shapeless mass : crumple < with disgust he screwed the sheet up and threw it across the hut — R.E.Robinson > b. (1) : to cause to move in a spiral, twisting, or tortuous manner (as into or through a narrow opening) < capable of rotating … and thus screwing themselves through the water — K.A.Bisset > (2) : to cause (a scrimmage in rugby) to twist round (3) : to cause (a ball) to swerve; specifically Britain : to hit (a cue ball) low down and slightly to the side so that it will be deflected in a curve after striking an object ball c. : to furnish with a spiral groove or ridge : thread 3. : to increase the intensity, quantity, or capability of — usually used with up < the speed screwed up exhilaration to a point almost beyond bearing — P.H.Newby > < screw himself up to the talking point — Aldous Huxley > < trying to screw up courage to confess — Will Scott > 4. a. obsolete : to root deeply (an idea or habit) by insinuation b. archaic : to insinuate (oneself) gradually < screwed himself into the partial confidence of the Laird — Sir Walter Scott > 5. : to alter the sense of to suit one's purpose < by jurisprudential construction, screwing up misdemeanors into felonies — Jeremy Bentham > 6. a. : to practice extortion upon : oppress or dispossess by unreasonable or extortionate exactions or conditions < quarrelled with his agents and screwed his tenants — W.M.Thackeray > b. : to extract by pressure or threat < landlords were screwing the last penny from their poor tenants — Hugh McVeigh > < stayed on for over two months, in order to screw out of the … prime minister a promise — Reader Bullard > c. : to induce to a reduction in price or rent < screwed the landlady down to a shilling — Harry Lauder > d. slang : to deprive of something due : cheat < split up the dirty jobs among the deckhands, so nobody got screwed — Richard Bissell > 7. : to copulate with — usually considered vulgar 8. : to enter for burglary by means of a skeleton key 9. slang : to spoil by meddling or incompetence — usually used with up < somebody's screwed things up, we're nowhere near our objective — Infantry Journal > intransitive verb 1. a. : to rotate or have the ability to rotate like a screw < the nut screws on here > < this piece screws into the other > b. : to function as a screw 2. : to turn or move with a twisting or writhing motion < screwing about to catch a glimpse of that little beauty — Geoff Bingham > 3. : to cause a ball to swerve 4. : to be parsimonious : scrimp < must screw and save in order to pay off the money — W.M.Thackeray > 5. : to move by means of a screw propeller 6. : copulate — usually considered vulgar 7. slang : to leave quickly : hurry away < come on, let's screw out of here — Robert Lowry > III. noun or scrow \ˈskrō\ (-s) Etymology: probably modification of obsolete French escrouelle (now écrouelle) : an amphipod crustacean — compare sand screw |