释义 |
gen·er·al I. \ˈjen(ə)rəl\ adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin generalis, from gener-, genus birth, race, class, kind + -alis -al — more at kin 1. : involving or belonging to the whole of a body, group, class, or type : applicable or relevant to the whole rather than to a limited part, group, or section < appearance of general decay > < a general change in temperature > 2. : involving or belonging to every member of a class, kind, or group : applicable to every one in the unit referred to : not exclusive or excluding < ladies, a general welcome from his grace salutes ye all — Shakespeare > < those first assemblies were general, with all freemen bound to attend — American Guide Series: Maryland > 3. a. : applicable or pertinent to the majority of individuals involved : characteristic of the majority : prevalent, usual, widespread < the general opinion > < a custom general in these areas > < the conflict became general > < we, the people of the United States, in order to … promote the general welfare — U.S. Constitution > b. : concerned or dealing with universal rather than particular aspects < general history > 4. : marked by broad overall character without being limited, modified, or checked by narrow precise considerations : concerned with main elements, major matters rather than limited details, or universals rather than particulars : approximate rather than strictly accurate < a general outline > < bearing a general resemblance to the original > < the rock formations of the state have a general northeast-southwest trend — American Guide Series: New Hampshire > 5. : not confined by specialization or careful limitation : not limited to a particular class, type, or field : inclusive and manifesting or characterized by scope, diversity, or variety : broad, catholic, comprehensive < a general drugstore > < a general surgeon > 6. : belonging to the common nature (as of a group of like individuals) : generic < the general characteristics of a species > < long shaggy hair is general among bears > 7. : holding superior rank : taking precedence (as over others similarly titled) < general mananger > : having wide authority or responsibility < a general captain > < the general board > — sometimes used postpositively < the master general > 8. : designed for students without special ability or vocational plans < a general course in science > — compare college-preparatory, commercial 9. : of or relating to a universal term or proposition or a quantified statement in logic — opposed to singular 10. : involving or affecting practically the entire organism : not local < general nervousness > Synonyms: see universal II. noun (-s) 1. archaic : whole, total 2. a. : something (as a concept, fact, idea, principle, proposition, or statement) that comprehends the whole or total < a description that spends too much time on the general and too little on the particular > specifically : generality b. : genus, universal 3. a. archaic : the general public : people b. Britain : a servant for general work 4. [Medieval Latin generalis, from Latin generalis, adjective (in such phrases as abbas generalis, literally, general abbot)] : the chief of a religious order of all houses or congregations under one religious rule; specifically : superior general 5. [Middle French, from Old Italian generale (also, chief of a religious order), from Medieval Latin generalis] archaic : the commander in chief of an army 6. a. : a military officer of high rank — see brigadier general, general of the air force, general of the army, lieutenant general, major general b. : a military officer who is junior only to a general of the army, to a general of the air force, or to a field marshal, wears 4 stars, and ranks with a four-star admiral of the navy 7. : the supreme commander of the Salvation Army — compare salvationist • - in general |