

单词 seal
释义 seal
I. \ˈsēl, esp before pause or consonant -ēəl\ noun
(plural seals also seal)
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English selch, sele, from Old English sēol-, seolh; akin to Middle Low German sel seal, Old High German selah, Old Norse selr seal, and perhaps to Old English sulh furrow — more at sulcus
1. : any of numerous marine aquatic carnivorous mammals that constitute the families Phocidae and Otariidae, live chiefly near cool seacoasts or on ice floes but crawl ashore to bear young and to breed, feed on fish and other marine animals, have the limbs modified into webbed flippers adapted primarily to swimming, and have been extensively hunted for fur, hides, and oil : any pinniped other than a walrus — see eared seal, earless seal, elephant seal, fur seal, hair seal, sea lion
 a. : the pelt of a fur seal usually plucked and dyed for use in garments and often imitated by shearing and dyeing rabbit or muskrat
  < a seal coat >
 b. : leather made from the skin of a seal — see pin seal
3. or seal brown : a dark grayish yellowish brown that is less strong and slightly redder than sepia brown and slightly redder and paler than otter
II. intransitive verb
: to hunt seals
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English seel, from Old French, from Latin sigillum small figure, small image, seal, diminutive of signum sign, mark, figure, image — more at sign
 a. : something that confirms, ratifies, or makes secure : guarantee, assurance
  (1) : a device (as an emblem, symbol, or word) used to identify or replace the signature of an individual or organization and to authenticate (as under common law) written matter purportedly emanating from such individual or organization
  (2) : a surface (as of a medallion or the face of a ring) bearing such a device incised so as to be reproducible in plastic material (as wax or moist clay); also : an object (as a ring) bearing such a seal
  (3) : an impression of such a device (as on or attached to a document) in plastic material; also : a piece of wax, a wafer, or other substance bearing such an impression
 c. : an impression, device, sign, or mark given the effect of a common-law seal by statute law or by American local custom recognized by judicial decision
  < the word “seal” or the letters “L.S.” written or printed, or a scroll made with the pen may constitute a seal within the meaning of the law >
 d. : an adhesive stamp bearing a symbolic or pictorial design suggestive of a particular cause and usually distributed as an appeal for or acknowledgment of a contribution to that cause
2. : something that firmly closes or secures: as
 a. : a piece of material (as sealing wax) placed in such a manner (as on an envelope or a folded document) as to prevent opening without breaking it; also : any of various closures or fastenings (as on a door, container, or railway car) that cannot be opened without rupture and that serve as a check against tampering or unauthorized opening
 b. : something (as a vow) that obliges one to maintain silence
  (1) : a tight and perfect closure (as against the passage of gas or water)
   < turn the jars upside down to be sure the seal is tight >
   < the flashing must make a seal with the roofing >
  (2) : a device to prevent the passage or return of gas or air into a pipe or container (as by submerging the open end of a pipe in a liquid, by keeping filled with liquid a deep bend in a pipe, or by projecting a partition or gland into a liquid-filled space)
   < a water seal >
   < a gland seal >
  (3) : a tight joint formed by the lap or bearing of a valve or similar member beyond the opening or space which the valve closes
  (4) : a cemented stone cover of an altar sepulcher
 d. : a sealing coat applied in the finishing of wood
3. chiefly Britain : an official seal (as of a chancellor or secretary of state) especially as a symbol of official status : an indication or mark of office — usually used in plural and with the
 < his majesty ordered the immediate surrender of the seals >
4. obsolete : a ceremony of affixing the great seal to documents
 a. : something that gives a character to a person such that he may be recognized as belonging to an indicated agent
  < the Holy Spirit: the seal of God >
 b. : an indication of status and especially of approved, superior, or desirable status
  < gave the party the seal of her approval >

- under seal
IV. verb
Etymology: Middle English selen, from Old French seeler, from seel, n.
transitive verb
1. : to confirm or make secure by or as if by a seal : confirm in a particular association — often used in allusion to Rev 7:2-8 (RSV)
 < God seals His own >
 a. : to give a character to (a person) such that he may be recognized as belonging to an agent — used especially of God in relation to the faithful
 b. : to solemnize for eternity (as a marriage or an adoption of a child) — used by Mormons
 a. : to set or affix an authenticating seal to; also : to formally authenticate : ratify
 b. : to mark with a stamp usually as an evidence of standard exactness, legal size, weight, or capacity, or merchantable quality
 c. : to give under or as if under seal : grant authentically
  < now must your conscience my acquittance seal — Shakespeare >
 d. : to give authenticity to : serve as the seal of
  < their pleasure seals our satisfaction >
 a. : to fasten with or as if with a seal to prevent tampering
  < seal a letter >
  < the coroner sealed the premises >
 b. : to keep shut, enclosed, or confined
  < lips sealed by a promise >
  < ice may seal in the boats as early as September >
 c. : to close or fasten by a coating or other fastening that prevents access or leakage
  < sealed the patch in place with strong pitch >
  < seal each jampot with hot wax >
 often : to make gas or fluid tight by a process of sealing
  < sealed the leak with a blowout patch >
  < the jars must be perfectly sealed if the food is to keep >
 d. : to make fast (as a piece of iron in a wall or a wire in a bulb) with cement, plaster, fusible glass, or other filling : close up chinks, crevices, or breaks in with or as if with plaster
  < seal a leaky wall >
 also : to close the pores of (a wooden or other porous surface) with a sealer
 e. : to complete the movement of (as an electric contactor, switch, or relay) after the contacting parts touch each other
 a. : to mark or fasten when applied — used especially of a seal
  < the new seal sealed it cleanly and without blurring >
 b. : to fix firmly or steadily as if fastened
5. : to determine irrevocably or indisputably
 < this answer sealed our fate >
intransitive verb
 a. : to affix one's seal or a seal
 b. obsolete : to give an assent by or as if by affixing a seal
2. : to perform the act of closing by sealing

- seal a move
V. noun
Etymology: Middle English sele, from (assumed) Middle English selen to tie up cattle (whence English dialect seal), from Old English sǣlan to tie, bind, from sāl rope — more at sole
chiefly Scotland : a rope or chain used to tie cattle
VI. \ˈsē(ə)l\ noun
Usage: usually all caps
Etymology: sea, air, land
: a member of a United States Navy special warfare team trained to perform sea, air, and land operations




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