释义 |
ge·neth·li·ac I. \jə̇ˈnethlēˌak\ noun (-s) Etymology: in sense 1, from Late Latin genethliacus, from Greek genethliakos, from genethliakos, adjective; in sense 2, from Late Latin genethliace, from (assumed) Greek genethliakē, from feminine of genethliakos, adjective 1. archaic : a calculator of nativities 2. archaic : nativity II. adjective or gen·eth·li·a·cal \|jeˌneth|līəkəl, -_nə̇th-\ Etymology: genethliac from Late Latin genethliacus, from Greek genethliakos, from genethlē race, stock, family, offspring, from the stem of gignesthai to be born; genethliacal from Late Latin genethliacus + English -al : relating to nativities or birthdays : showing position and influence of stars at one's birth • gen·eth·li·a·cal·ly \| ̷ ̷(ˌ) ̷ ̷|līək(ə)lē\ adverb |