

单词 seasonable
释义 sea·son·able
\ˈsēz(ə)nəbəl\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English sesounable, from sesoun season + able — more at season
1. : occurring in good or proper time : opportune
 < seasonable advice >
 < a seasonable time for discussion >
2. : suitable to or in keeping with the season or circumstances : timely
 < a hard but seasonable frost >
 < seasonable care >
 timely, well-timed, opportune, pat: seasonable describes what is peculiarly fit or appropriate to the season, occasion, or situation
  < seasonable weather >
  < seasonable clothes >
  < seasonable consolation during his time of trouble >
  timely refers to whatever occurs or appears at the moment when it is of most use, benefit, or assistance
  < a timely book >
  < a similar fate for the column on the left bank of the stream was averted by the timely arrival of … the main army — R.A.Billington >
  < unfortunate if absorption in affairs at home should cause us to forget that timely, well-considered aid now to countries teetering on the verge of economic breakdown and political anarchy would go far to avert the danger of another costly conflict — Vera M. Dean >
  well-timed suggests care, forethought, precision, or design in achieving timeliness
  < the well-timed and splendidly executed offensive … was a part of the same major strategy — R.D.Roosevelt >
  opportune may describe that which comes at the best possible time, perhaps by accident, and invites being capitalized on
  < as if this was an encounter which was something more than convenient, something really opportune — Rebecca West >
  < the literary scene was too full of chaotic and short-lived movements to make the launching of a large work opportune — J.M.Barzun >
  pat applies to that which has happened at the most fit moment or which shows characteristics completely fit or apt for the occasion or often so seemingly apt that it is suspect
  < one, whose eyes dwelt in a distant void, with spell and omen pat upon his lips, and a purse for any crystal prophet ripe — John Drinkwater >
  < had assuredly the air of a miracle, of something dreamed in a dream, of something pathetically and impossibly appropriate — pat, as they say — Arnold Bennett >




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