

单词 gesture
释义 ges·ture
I. \ˈjes(h)chə(r)\ noun
Etymology: Medieval Latin gestura mode of action, from Latin gestus (past participle of gerere to bear, act) + -ura -ure — more at cast
1. archaic : the manner of carrying the body : carriage, bearing
 < the fashion of the countenance and the gesture of the body … is so correspondent to this state of mind — Edmund Burke >
2. obsolete : the position or attitude of the body especially in prayer
 < as for their gesture or position, the men lay down leaning on their left elbow — Sir Thomas Browne >
3. : the use of motions of the limbs or body as a means of intentional expression
 < we deduce motion from gesture — W.E.Allen >
 < gesture may be deliberate … or even symbolic — Susanne K. Langer >
4. : a movment usually of the body or limbs that symbolizes or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude
 < she gave a gesture of despair — H.G.Wells >
 < the ability to find the appropriate gestures to convey the dramatic content of the work — Encounter >
— compare gesticulation
5. : a notable or expressive action: as
 a. : something said or done by way of formality or courtesy
  < the invitation had been a gesture of sympathy toward a keen young officer without friends or relations — R.S.Porteous >
 b. : something said or done to bring about a desired end (as in diplomacy)
  < diplomatic authorities brushed aside today the … proposal for an all-European security meeting as an insincere gesture and a propaganda appeal — W.H.Waggoner >
  < the words were far more than a political gesture to draw popular support — V.L.Parrington >
 c. : something said or done as a symbol or token
  < a gesture of royal authority >
  < many members … deliberately invalidated their ballots as a protest gestureCurrent Biography >
II. verb
intransitive verb
: to make gestures : gesticulate
 < gesturing vaguely with her full hands — Laura Krey >
transitive verb
1. : to indicate or express by gestures
 < what way is there of gesturing the cruelly impounded thought — Donald Davidson >
2. : to direct by gestures
 < the policeman gestured him into the fork on the other side — Richard Llewellyn >




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