释义 |
phyl·lox·era \ˌfiˌläkˈsirə, -_lək-; fə̇ˈläksərə\ noun Etymology: New Latin, from phyll- + -xera (from Greek xēros dry) — more at serene 1. capitalized : the type genus of Phylloxeridae comprising plant lice that differ from the aphids in wing structure, in being continuously oviparous, in lacking honey tubes, and in their extreme polymorphism and that are very destructive to many plants (as grapes) 2. -s : any plant louse of the genus Phylloxera or family Phylloxeridae • phyl·lox·er·an \fə̇ˈläksərən\ adjective or noun • phyl·lox·er·ic \|fiˌläk|serik\ adjective |