

单词 GI
释义 GI
I. \(ˈ)jē|ī\ adjective
Etymology: from unofficial abbreviation (used by United States Army quartermaster clerks in listing such articles as garbage cans) for galvanized iron, but taken to be abbreviation for government issue or general issue
1. : carried or provided by an official supply department of the United States armed forces
 < said the GI shoes hurt his feet — Jimmy Cannon >
2. : of, relating to, or characteristic of enlisted personnel of the United States armed forces
 < that meal's scaled to a GI appetite — Mademoiselle >
 a. : conforming to military regulations or customs
  < his fuzzy red-dyed hair cut in GI style — National Geographic >
 b. : devoted to or demanding strict military discipline
  < he was, the men complained, too GI — a stickler for spit and polish — A.R.Matthews >
4. : designed for the use or benefit of military personnel
 < more than 30 new GI training bills in the legislative hopper — Time >
II. noun
(plural GI's or GIs)
: a member or former member of the United States armed forces; especially : an enlisted man
 < many GI's showed an abysmal lack of knowledge — Reporter >
III. transitive verb
(GI'd ; GI'd ; GI'ing ; GI's)
Etymology: GI (I)
: to prepare for or as if for military inspection
 < the barracks … were in fine order — they'd been GI'd the night before — New Republic >
IV. adverb
Etymology: GI (I)
: in strict conformity with military regulations or customs
 < men like to have everything run GI — R.V.Cassill >
V. abbreviation
1. galvanized iron
2. gastrointestinal
3. general issue; government issue




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