

单词 see
释义 see
I. \ˈsē\ verb
(saw \ˈsȯ\ ; or nonstandard seed \ˈsēd\ ; or seen \ˈsēn\ ; seen or nonstandard seed or saw ; seeing ; sees \ˈsēz\)
Etymology: Middle English seen, sen, from Old English sēon; akin to Old High German sehan to see, Old Norse sjā, Gothic saihwan, Old English secgan to say — more at say
transitive verb
 a. : to perceive by the eye : apprehend through sight
  < opens his eyes to see the sunlight coming in through the window >
 b. : to perceive as if by sight
  < it was wonderful what that boy saw who was blind — Stuart Cloete >
 c. : to detect the presence of
  < the supersonic streamlining of this vehicle makes it difficult to see by radar — L.N.Ridenour >
 a. : to have experience of : undergo
  < saw sea duty on a minesweeper — Current Biography >
  < if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death — Jn 8:51 (Revised Standard Version) >
  < opening for keen, practical, final year student to see dairy cattle and small-animal practice — Veterinary Record >
  < seen better days >
  < see life >
 b. : to learn or find by observation or experience : come to know : discover
  < a point of view which I have since seen cause to modify — John Buchan >
 c. : to find out by investigation : ascertain
  < see if the hat fits >
  < see if the car needs oil >
  < see who's at the door >
 d. : to give rise to : be marked by
  < the late glacial times saw the complete triumph of our ancestral stock — Jacquetta & Christopher Hawkes >
 e. : to serve as the setting for : be the scene of : witness
  < that house saw more worry and unhappiness — Virginia D. Dawson & Betty D. Wilson >
 a. : to form a mental picture of : visualize
  < can still see her as she was twenty years ago >
  < saw her in his dreams >
 b. : to perceive the meaning or importance of : comprehend, understand
  < because the frontier gives shape and life to our national myth, we have preferred to see its story in romantic outline — Dayton Kohler >
 c. : to be aware of : recognize
  < planning to fire you tomorrow, because you just can't see a good news story — Sinclair Lewis >
  < sees the folly of further resistance — T.B.Costain >
  < sees only his faults >
 d. : to form a conception of : imagine as a possibility : suppose
  < can you see me knowing how to furnish a house — Edith Sitwell >
  < was never whipped … she was so dignified and superior you just couldn't see her across my mother's lap — Myron Brinig >
 e. : to have presented for observation or consideration : be made aware of
  < we saw, in the previous lecture, how the problem arose >
 f. : to look at from a particular point of view
  < see oursels as others see us — Robert Burns >
 g. : to look ahead to : foresee
  < can see the day when a college will not try to cover the whole field of liberal arts — Time >
 a. : to direct one's attention to : put under observation : examine, scrutinize
  < want to see how he handles the problem >
  (1) : to inspect or read understandingly (something written or printed)
   < have you seen the story of yesterday's game >
   < let me see your pass, soldier >
   < seen and allowed >
  (2) : to read of
   < I saw your appointment in the newspapers >
 c. : to refer to
  < for further information, see the documents printed in the appendix >
  < see the explanatory notes at the beginning of the book >
 d. : to attend or visit as an observer or spectator
  < see a parade >
  < see a play >
  < see the sights of the city >
 a. : to take care of : provide for
  < would like him to have enough to see him easily to the end of his days — T.B.Costain >
 b. : to take care or heed : make sure
  < see thou say nothing to any man — Mk 1:44 (Authorized Version) >
  < see that your wet umbrella is not placed between your seat and the next — Agnes M. Miall >
  < will see that he is brought up properly >
 a. : to regard as : consider, judge
  < the electorate did not see fit to ratify the new frame of government — B.W.Bond >
  < did not see it right to ask for special favors >
 b. : to prefer to have : allow to happen : welcome
  < would probably see himself shot before he told a deliberate falsehood — J.G.Cozzens >
  < I'll see you dead before I accept your terms >
 c. : to regard with approval or liking : find acceptable or attractive
  < still can't see the portholes but this is our only complaint in an otherwise clean design — Walt Woron >
  < hope you'll be able to make her see it — W.S.Maugham >
  < can't understand what he sees in her >
  (1) : to make a call upon : visit
   < stopped off at the office to see his former employer >
  (2) : to call upon or meet with in order to obtain help or advice
   < see a doctor >
   < see a lawyer >
  (1) : to be in the company of regularly or frequently especially in courtship or dating
   < had been seeing each other for a year before they became engaged >
  (2) : to grant an interview to or accept the visit of : meet with : receive
   < the president of the bank will see you in a few minutes >
   < sees only a few old friends these days >
  (3) : to meet with for the purpose of influencing especially by bribery or pressure
   < charged that the witness had been seen by the defense >
 a. : accompany, escort
  < young men would wait to see the young ladies home — Agnes S. Turnbull >
 b. : to wait upon : be present with
  < saw her onto the plane >
  < saw him off at the station >
 c. : to give continued attention, assistance, or guidance to — used with through
  < saw a new edition of his book through the press >
  < the sympathy of his friends saw him through this period of grief >
9. : to meet (a bet) in poker or to equal the bet of (a player) : call
intransitive verb
 a. : to give or pay attention
  < see, the train is coming >
 b. : to look about
  < stood up and fired his pistol in the air, and the naked Indians came out on the shore to see — Meridel Le Sueur >
 a. : to have the power of sight : have vision
  < whereas I was blind, now I see — Jn 9:25 (Authorized Version) >
  < he sees poorly with his left eye >
 b. : to apprehend objects by sight
  < it was so foggy that he could hardly see >
 c. : to perceive objects as if by sight
  < the butterfly lightness that was teaching his fingers to see — Marcia Davenport >
 a. : to grasp something mentally : have insight : understand
  < this fundamental bias of all thinking … is what enables us to see, gives thought its real use — H.J.Muller >
 b. : to take note
  < these aren't ordinary trout, you see — Corey Ford >
 c. : consider, think
  < when can I finish this — let me see >
 a. : to make investigation or inquiry
  < you'll see about the rates, won't you — Agnes S. Turnbull >
 b. : to arrive at a conclusion through observation and experience
  < I can't give you an answer yet, but we shall see >
 behold, descry, espy, view, survey, observe, notice, remark, note, perceive, discern: see is broad and general and may stand for any of the other words here
  < I see you >
  < I see it >
  behold may be used in situations involving awe, grandeur, or dignity, with suggestions of observant, complete vision
  < it was on a dreary night of November that I beheld the accomplishment of my toils — Mary W. Shelley >
  < Grecian spectators … when they beheld the innumerable Persian host crossing the Hellespont — George Grote >
  descry may suggest watchful, careful scanning and observation of the distant or the difficult to view
  < on a superb day he can descry Greenwich, 28 miles away — New Yorker >
  espy is similar in suggestion to descry but is more likely to be used to refer to the obscure or covert
  < flowers we espy beside the torrent growing, flowers that peep forth from many a cleft and chink — William Wordsworth >
  < on these analogies it is not altogether fantastic to espy … the ghost of a Minoan universal church — A.J.Toynbee >
  view may designate an overall or comprehensive looking at a subject, often from a specific or particular position or in a specific or peculiar way
  < the little chapel … the white dove … green tufted islands … the youth had long been viewing these pleasant things — John Keats >
  < the effort is an interesting one if you view it in terms of the techniques of political symbolism — Max Lerner >
  survey, in this sense, may be used in reference to a broad view from a high point or may designate a comprehensive examination of a subject with careful consideration of its salient points
  < am monarch of all I survey — William Cowper >
  < had plenty of leisure now, day in, day out, to survey her life as a tract of country traversed — Victoria Sackville-West >
  observe may suggest careful, heedful attention directed and sustained
  < a genuine scientific process — the play of intellect and imagination around a few fragments of observed fact — Havelock Ellis >
  < the Navy is observing the new programs in the Army and Air Force with interest — Atlantic >
  notice may suggest careful observation and intention to record or remember
  < if we tried to notice all the ways in which the idea of beauty has been corrupted — Irving Babbitt >
  remark and note mean to see or sense and to record or make a mental note
  < I remarked their English accents — James Joyce >
  < believed that the artist should not number the streaks of the tulip but should remark general properties and large appearances — F.W.Hilles >
  < in these brilliant and gifted inhabitants … one may note a number of characteristics — Geoffrey Bruun >
  < writers are perhaps the best of travelers, since their sharpened senses seize and note impressions — F.B.Millett >
  perceive may combine the notions of seeing or sensing and of recognizing and realizing
  < his lightning dashes from image to image, so quick that we are unable at first to perceive the points of contact — C.D.Lewis >
  < what a great novelist at his best perceives in human nature — Bernard De Voto >
  discern may apply to seeing or perceiving identities or differences which are not immediately obvious
  < never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary — W.S.Maugham >
 see, look, and watch can all mean to perceive something by means of the eyes. see stresses the reception of the visual impression
  < see clearly with a telescope >
  < have the power of seeing >
  look stresses the directing of the eyes to something in order to see
  < look and see the man leave >
  < turn suddenly to look at the man >
  watch implies a persistent observing or the following of something with the eyes in order to observe fully
  < watch what a child is up to >
  < a cat watching a mouse >

- see about
- see after
- see daylight
- see for
- see one's way
- see red
- see the elephant
- see through
- see to
- see to it
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English se, see, from Old French se, sed, sie seat, throne, see, from Latin sedes seat; akin to Latin sedēre to sit — more at sit
 a. archaic : cathedra
 b. : a church containing a cathedra : cathedral
 c. : a seat or center of the power or authority of a bishop : a diocesan center
 a. : the rank, office, power, or authority of a bishop
  < the see of Rome >
 b. : the jurisdiction (as a diocese or province) of a bishop




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