释义 |
se·lec·tor \-ktə(r)\ noun (-s) Etymology: Late Latin, from Latin selectus (past participle of seligere to select) + -or : one that selects: as a. : a person who selects < selector of All-American teams — Current Biography > < the selector … knows good-looking merchandise — Women's Wear Daily > < edited by an expert librarian selector — Saturday Review > b. (1) : a person who selects Australian public land to settle on (2) : a small farmer of Australia c. : a mechanical or electrical device for automatically selecting predetermined shapes, sizes, or materials or chosen or actuated for starting or stopping (as an elevator) d. (1) : the element in a transmission gearshift of an automotive vehicle that is guided by the gearshift lever so that the desired gearshift bar is actuated (2) : the lever in an automatic gearshift operated by the driver to select the desired speed e. : a converter with horizontal tuyeres to produce bottoms and a purified copper in one operation f. : an electric switch mechanism designed to move over a number of terminals and to select a particular one or group in accordance with the signal received g. : station selector h. : an apparatus for operating either or any of two or more railroad signals by a single lever so as automatically to connect the particular signal controlling the route or track for which a switch has been set |