释义 |
self I. \ˈself, ˈseu̇f, South often ˈse(ə)f\ pronoun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English self, seolf, sylf; akin to Old Frisian & Old Saxon self, Old High German selb, Old Norse sjālfr, Gothic silba; akin to Latin se oneself — more at suicide 1. : myself < he died when we — self, two brothers, one sister — were very young — Current Biography > 2. : himself, herself < his family, living in a four-roomed house, consisted of self, wife, and six — I.J.C.Brown > II. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Old English self, seolf, sylf 1. obsolete : belonging to oneself : own < by self and violent hands took off her life — Shakespeare > 2. obsolete : identical, same < that self chain about his neck which he forswore most monstrously to have — Shakespeare > 3. a. : having a single character or quality throughout : uniform, unmixed; specifically : having one color only : self-colored < self a flower > b. of an archer's bow : made of a single piece of wood — contrasted with backed c. : of the same kind (as in color, material, or pattern) as something with which it is used < a self belt > < a self trimming > III. noun (plural selves \ˈselvz, ˈseu̇vz, South often ˈse(ə)vz\ ; see sense 6) Etymology: Middle English, from self, pron. 1. a. : the entire person of an individual < his fair daughter's self … is my object — Robert Browning > b. : the realization or embodiment of an abstract quality < she was beauty's self — James Thomson †1748 > 2. a. : a personality or mode of behavior regarded as typical of a particular individual < his true self was at last revealed > b. : an aspect of one's personality predominant at a certain time or under certain conditions < his better self > < his weaker self > < his reckless self > < my clothes keep my various selves buttoned up together — L.P.Smith > c. : a person in his normal state of health or best physical or mental condition < feel like my old self today > < looked like his old self in the ring > 3. a. : the integrated unity of subjective experience specifically including those characteristics and attributes of the experiencing organism of which it is reflexively aware b. : the internal regulatory system of response and activity tendencies within the organism : the source of social adaptation and growth of the individual personality c. : the dynamic organization of patterns of behavior acquired through social frustration 4. : personal interest or advantage : self-interest < the really successful people in it are those who put service before self — Farmer's Weekly (South Africa) > 5. a. usually capitalized, objective idealism : the supreme self : absolute b. (1) often capitalized, Hinduism : atman (2) Buddhism : a dynamic unstable agglomerate of skandhas that in itself possesses no inherent substantiality or enduring quality and that continues in constant flux until final dissolution at death 6. plural selfs \-fs\ a. : an individual produced by self-fertilization — distinguished from crossbred b. : a self-colored individual IV. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to cause (individuals of the same race or strain) to breed together : inbreed 2. : to pollinate with pollen from the same flower or plant : self-fertilize : self-pollinate intransitive verb : to engage in self-pollinating : undergo self-pollination < try to prevent test strains from selfing > V. noun : material that is part of an individual organism < ability of the immune system to distinguish self from nonself > |