释义 |
self·ish I. \pronunc at self I+ish or ēsh\ adjective Etymology: self (III) + -ish 1. a. : concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others < if he could be proud and patriotic, so too he could be selfish and mean — Francis Parkman > < a formal, greedy, selfish old gentleman — L.P.Smith > < selfish ambition > b. : self-centered < the sympathy of children with those who weep is innocently selfish — G.D.Brown > 2. a. : believing or teaching that the chief motives of human action are derived from love of self < the selfish school of philosophers — William Fleming > b. : performed to benefit oneself especially in disregard of the welfare of others < a selfish act > • self·ish·ly \-ə̇shlē, -li\ adverb II. adjective : being a usually repetitive sequence of nucleic acid that actively replicates within an organism but is not expressed phenotypically and serves no known function < selfish DNA > |