释义 |
phys·i·o·log·i·cal \|fizēə|läjə̇kəl, -jēk-\ adjective or phys·i·o·log·ic \-jik, -jēk\ Etymology: physiological from Late Latin physiologicus physiological (from Greek physiologikos relating to natural science, from physiologia natural science + -ikos -ic) + English -al; physiologic from Late Latin physiologicus 1. : of or relating to physiology 2. : characteristic of or appropriate to an organism's healthy or normal functioning — contrasted with pathological 3. : differing in reactions or functional properties rather than in morphological features < a physiological strain of a bacterium > — see physiologic race 4. : of, relating to, associated with, or caused by disorganization of functions or of metabolism — used in plant pathology and sometimes opposed to infectious < a physiological rather than an infective disorder > < a physiological destruction of tissue > • phys·i·o·log·i·cal·ly \-jə̇k(ə)lē, -jēk-, -li\ adverb |