Synset:haemorrhoid hemorrhoid
Inherited Hypernyms:hemorrhoidsymptomevidenceinformationcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
单词 | piles |
释义 | Piles nnoun.statevenous swelling external or internal to the anal sphincter Synset:haemorrhoid hemorrhoid Hypernyms:symptom Inherited Hypernyms:hemorrhoidsymptomevidenceinformationcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity nnoun.quantitya large number or amount Synset:dozens gobs heaps lashings loads lots oodles rafts scads scores slews stacks tons wads Examples:
Hypernyms:large indefinite amount large indefinite quantity Inherited Hypernyms:tonslarge indefinite quantityindefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity nnoun.groupa collection of objects laid on top of each other Synset:agglomerate cumulation cumulus heap mound pile Derivationally Related Form:agglomeratecumulouscumulateheappile Hypernyms:accumulation aggregation assemblage collection Inherited Hypernyms:pilecollectiongroupabstractionentity Direct Hyponyms:compost heapcompost piledunghillfuneral pyremiddenmuckheapmuckhillpyrescrapheapshockslagheapstackstockpilewoodpile Full Hyponyms: compost heapdunghillhaycockhaystackpyrescrapheapshockslagheapstackstockpilewoodpile nnoun.quantity(often followed by 'of') a large number or amount or extent Synset:batch deal flock good deal great deal hatful heap lot mass mess mickle mint mountain muckle passel peck pile plenty pot quite a little raft sight slew spate stack tidy sum wad Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:plenteouswadheappile Hypernyms:large indefinite amount large indefinite quantity Inherited Hypernyms:batchlarge indefinite quantityindefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity Direct Hyponyms:delugefloodhaymowinundationtorrent Full Hyponyms: floodhaymow nnoun.possessiona large sum of money (especially as pay or profit) Domain Usage:argotcantjargonlingopatoisslangvernacular Synset:big bucks big money bundle megabucks pile Examples:
Hypernyms:money Inherited Hypernyms:pilemoneywealthpropertypossessionrelationabstractionentity nnoun.bodyfine soft dense hair (as the fine short hair of cattle or deer or the wool of sheep or the undercoat of certain dogs) Synset:down pile Derivationally Related Form:pilarypilousdowny Hypernyms:hair Inherited Hypernyms:downhairbody coveringcoveringnatural objectwholeobjectphysical entityentity Direct Hyponyms:lanugo Full Hyponyms: lanugo nnoun.artifactbattery consisting of voltaic cells arranged in series; the earliest electric battery devised by Volta Synset:galvanic pile pile voltaic pile Hypernyms:battery electric battery Inherited Hypernyms:voltaic pilebatteryelectrical devicedeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity nnoun.artifacta column of wood or steel or concrete that is driven into the ground to provide support for a structure Synset:pile piling spile stilt Hypernyms:column pillar Inherited Hypernyms:pilecolumnuprightstructural membersupportdeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity Direct Hyponyms:sheath pilesheet pilesheet piling Full Hyponyms: sheet pile nnoun.artifactthe yarn (as in a rug or velvet or corduroy) that stands up from the weave Synset:nap pile Examples:
Hypernyms:thread yarn Inherited Hypernyms:pilethreadcordlineartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity nnoun.artifacta nuclear reactor that uses controlled nuclear fission to generate energy Synset:atomic pile atomic reactor chain reactor pile Hypernyms:nuclear reactor reactor Inherited Hypernyms:atomic pilenuclear reactorapparatusequipmentinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity vverb.contactarrange in stacks Synset:heap pile stack Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:stackheapstackerpile Hypernyms:arrange set up Inherited Hypernyms:stackarrangeputmove Direct Hyponyms:cordrick Full Troponyms:cordrick Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP | They --- the books into the box (apply to: heap) | They --- their rifles on the cabinet (apply to: stack, pile) vverb.motionpress tightly together or cram Synset:jam mob pack pile throng Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:throngmobpile Hypernyms:crowd crowd together Inherited Hypernyms:throngcrowdmeetinteractact Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP | The crowds --- in the streets (apply to: throng) | The streets --- with crowds (apply to: throng) vverb.contactplace or lay as if in a pile Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:pile Hypernyms:lay place pose position put set Inherited Hypernyms:pileputmove Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP |
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