

单词 pine
nnoun.planta coniferous tree
Synset:pine tree true pine
Member Holonyms:Pinus genus Pinus
Hypernyms:conifer coniferous tree
Inherited Hypernyms:pineconifergymnospermous treetreewoody plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:Canadian red pineEuropean nut pineJapanese black pineJapanese red pineJapanese table pineJeffrey's pineJeffrey pineJersey pineMonterey pinePinus aristataPinus attenuataPinus banksianaPinus cembraPinus contortaPinus contorta murrayanaPinus densifloraPinus glabraPinus jeffreyiPinus longaevaPinus mugoPinus nigraPinus pineaPinus pungensPinus radiataPinus resinosaPinus rigidaPinus serotinaPinus sylvestrisPinus taedaPinus thunbergiiPinus torreyanaPinus virginianaRocky Mountain bristlecone pineScotch firScotch pineScots pineSierra lodgepole pineSwiss mountain pineSwiss pineSwiss stone pineTorrey's pineTorrey pineVirginia pineancient pinearolla pineblack pinebristlecone pinecembra nut treedwarf mountain pinefrankincense pinegrey-leaf pinehickory pinejack pineknobcone pineloblolly pinelodgepolelodgepole pinemountain pinemugho pinemugo pinenorthern pitch pinepinonpinyonpitch pinepond pineprickly pinered pinesabine pinescrub pineshore pinesoledad pinespruce pinestone pineswamp pinetable-mountain pineumbrella pinewhite pineyellow pine
Substance Meronyms:pine
Part Meronyms:pinecone
Full Hyponyms:
american white pineancient pinebishop pineblack pinebristlecone pinecalifornia single-leaf pinyonjack pinejapanese black pinejapanese red pinejeffrey pineknobcone pinelimber pineloblolly pinelongleaf pinemonterey pinenut pineparry's pinyonpinonpinon pinepitch pinepond pineponderosared pinerocky mountain pinonscotch pinescrub pineshore pineshortleaf pinesierra lodgepole pinesingle-leafsouthwestern white pinespruce pinestone pineswamp pineswiss mountain pineswiss pinetable-mountain pinetorrey pinewestern white pinewhite pinewhitebark pineyellow pine
nnoun.plantstraight-grained durable and often resinous white to yellowish timber of any of numerous trees of the genus Pinus
Substance Holonyms:pine pine tree true pine
Inherited Hypernyms:pinewoodplant materialmaterialsubstancematterphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:pinewoodplant materialmaterialsubstancepartrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:knotty pinewhite pineyellow pine
Full Hyponyms:
knotty pinewhite pineyellow pine
vverb.emotionhave a desire for something or someone who is not present
Synset:ache languish yearn yen
  • She ached for a cigarette
  • I am pining for my lover
Derivationally Related Form:yearneryenyearningpining
Hypernyms:hanker long yearn
Inherited Hypernyms:achehankerdesire
Direct Hyponyms:die
Full Troponyms:die
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP




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