vverb.motioncause to runExamples:- pour water over the floor
Hypernyms:displace move
Inherited Hypernyms:pourmove
Direct Hyponyms:decantdribbledripdropeffusepourpour forthpour outshedspilltransfuse
Causes:course feed flow run
Full Troponyms:decantdribbleeffusespilltransfuse
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP | The women --- water into the bowl (apply to: pour)
vverb.motionmove in large numbersSynset:pullulate stream swarm teem
Examples:- people were pouring out of the theater
- beggars pullulated in the plaza
Derivationally Related Form:streamswarm
Hypernyms:crowd crowd together
Inherited Hypernyms:pourcrowdmeetinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:pour outspill outspill over
Full Troponyms:spill over
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP | The crowds --- in the streets (apply to: swarm)
vverb.motionpour outSynset:decant pour out
Examples:- the sommelier decanted the wines
Derivationally Related Form:decantationdecanter
Inherited Hypernyms:decantpourmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.motionflow in a spurtExamples:- Water poured all over the floor
Hypernyms:course feed flow run
Inherited Hypernyms:pourrunmove
Direct Hyponyms:gushregurgitatespirtspoutspurt
Full Troponyms:blowpumpregurgitatespurtwhoosh
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Water and oil --- into the bowl (apply to: pour)
vverb.possessionsupply in large amounts or quantitiesExamples:- We poured money into the education of our children
Hypernyms:furnish provide render supply
Inherited Hypernyms:poursupplygivetransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.weatherrain heavilySynset:pelt rain buckets rain cats and dogs stream
Examples:- Put on your rain coat-- it's pouring outside!
Derivationally Related Form:pelter
Hypernyms:rain rain down
Inherited Hypernyms:pourrainprecipitate
Direct Hyponyms:sheetsluicesluice down
Full Troponyms:sheetsluice
Sentence Frame:It is ---ing | It was ---ing all day long (apply to: pelt, rain cats and dogs, stream, pour, rain buckets)