nnoun.plantin some classifications included in the genus Martynia and hence the two taxonomic names for some of the unicorn plantsSynset:Proboscidea genus Proboscidea
Member Holonyms:Pedaliaceae family Pedaliaceae sesame family
Hypernyms:plant genus
Inherited Hypernyms:proboscideaplant genusgenustaxonomic groupbiological groupgroupabstractionentity
Member Meronyms:Proboscidea louisianica common devil's claw common unicorn plant devil's claw elephant-tusk proboscis flower ram's horn Martynia arenaria Proboscidea arenaria sand devil's claw Martynia fragrans Proboscidea fragrans sweet unicorn plant
nnoun.animalan order of animals including elephants and mammothsSynset:Proboscidea order Proboscidea
Member Holonyms:Eutheria subclass Eutheria
Hypernyms:animal order
Inherited Hypernyms:proboscideaanimal orderordertaxonomic groupbiological groupgroupabstractionentity
Member Meronyms:Elephantidae family Elephantidae Gomphotheriidae family Gomphotheriidae Mammutidae family Mammutidae family Mastodontidae proboscidean proboscidian