nnoun.communicationan open avowal (true or false) of some belief or opinionSynset:profession
Examples:- a profession of disagreement
Derivationally Related Form:profess
Hypernyms:affirmation avouchment avowal
Inherited Hypernyms:professionavowalassertiondeclarationstatementmessagecommunicationabstractionentity
vverb.communicationpractice as a profession, teach, or claim to be knowledgeable aboutExamples:- She professes organic chemistry
Inherited Hypernyms:professclaimaffirm
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | They --- to move (apply to: profess)
vverb.communicationconfess one's faith in, or allegiance toExamples:- The terrorists professed allegiance to their country
- he professes to be a Communist
Derivationally Related Form:professing
Inherited Hypernyms:professdeclarestateexpress
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE
vverb.communicationadmit (to a wrongdoing)Synset:concede confess profess
Examples:- She confessed that she had taken the money
Derivationally Related Form:professionconfessorconfession
Hypernyms:acknowledge admit
Inherited Hypernyms:concedeadmitdeclareevaluatethink
Direct Hyponyms:fess upmake a clean breast ofown up
Full Troponyms:make a clean breast of
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE
vverb.communicationstate freelyExamples:- The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades
Inherited Hypernyms:professdeclarestateexpress
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s that CLAUSE
vverb.communicationreceive into a religious order or congregationHypernyms:accept admit take take on
Inherited Hypernyms:professacceptacceptget
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.communicationtake vows, as in religious orderExamples:- she professed herself as a nun
Derivationally Related Form:profession
Inherited Hypernyms:professvowpledgepromisedeclarestateexpress
Direct Hyponyms:take the veil
Full Troponyms:take the veil
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s
vverb.communicationstate insincerelySynset:pretend profess
Examples:- He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt
- She pretended not to have known the suicide bomber
- She pretends to be an expert on wine
Inherited Hypernyms:professclaimaffirm
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s that CLAUSE