nnoun.actforceful prevention; putting down by power or authoritySynset:crushing stifling suppression
Examples:- the suppression of heresy
- the quelling of the rebellion
- the stifling of all dissent
Derivationally Related Form:stiflesuppresscrushquell
Hypernyms:bar prevention
Inherited Hypernyms:suppressionpreventionhindranceacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:crackdown
vverb.changesuppress or crush completelySynset:quell quench squelch
Examples:- squelch any sign of dissent
- quench a rebellion
Derivationally Related Form:squelchersquelchquelling
Hypernyms:conquer stamp down subdue suppress
Inherited Hypernyms:squelchsuppresscontrolrestrain
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.consumptionovercome or allaySynset:appease quell stay
Hypernyms:conform to fill fit fulfil fulfill meet satisfy
Inherited Hypernyms:quellfitprovidegivetransfer
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something ---s somebody