nnoun.cognitionall of your experiences that determine how things appear to youSynset:world
Examples:- his world was shattered
- we live in different worlds
- for them demons were as much a part of reality as trees were
Inherited Hypernyms:worldexperiencecontentcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:real lifereal world
nnoun.statethe state of being actual or realAttributes:existent real unreal
Synset:realism realness
Examples:- the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him
Derivationally Related Form:realistreal
Inherited Hypernyms:realityactualitybeingstateattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:fact
nnoun.statethe state of the world as it really is rather than as you might want it to beExamples:- businessmen have to face harsh realities
Derivationally Related Form:real
Inherited Hypernyms:realityactualitybeingstateattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:historicalness
Full Hyponyms:historicalness
nnoun.attributethe quality possessed by something that is realAntonyms:unreality
Derivationally Related Form:real
Hypernyms:corporality corporeality materiality physicalness
Inherited Hypernyms:realitymaterialityqualityattributeabstractionentity