

单词 red hand defenders
Red Hand Defenders
nnoun.groupa paramilitary group of Protestants in Northern Ireland that tries to prevent any political settlement with the Irish Republic; attacks interests of Catholic civilians in Northern Ireland; responsible for arson and bombing and murder
Region:Northern Ireland
Synset:RHD Red Hand Defenders
Instance Hypernyms:act of terrorism terrorism terrorist act FTO foreign terrorist organization terrorist group terrorist organization
Inherited Hypernyms:red hand defendersterrorismterrorcoercionenforcementsocial controlgroup actionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:red hand defendersterrorismterrorcoercionenforcementsocial controlgroup actioneventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:red hand defendersterrorist organizationpolitical movementmovementsocial groupgroupabstractionentity




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