Synset:body politic commonwealth country land nation state
- the state has elected a new president
- African nations
- students who had come to the nation's capitol
- the country's largest manufacturer
- an industrialized land
Hypernyms:political entity political unit
Inherited Hypernyms:statepolitical unitunitorganizationsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:DominionReichallycity-statecity statecommonwealth countrydeveloping countryforeign countrygreat powermajor powerpowerrenegade staterogue nationrogue statesea powersuperpowersuzerainworld power
Instance Hyponyms:Eelam Tamil Eelam
Part Meronyms:estate estate of the realm the three estates
Full Hyponyms:
allycity statecommonwealth countrydeveloping countrydominionforeign countryhegemonhohenzollern empirereichrogue statesea powersuzerainthird reichworld power