nnoun.communicationrebuking a person harshlySynset:chiding objurgation tongue-lashing
Derivationally Related Form:objurgatescoldchide
Hypernyms:rebuke reprehension reprimand reproof reproval
Inherited Hypernyms:chidingrebukecriticismdisapprovalmessagecommunicationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:wigwigging
vverb.communicationcensure severely or angrilySynset:bawl out berate call down call on the carpet chew out chew up chide dress down have words jaw lambast lambaste lecture rag rebuke remonstrate reprimand scold take to task trounce
Examples:- The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car
- The deputy ragged the Prime Minister
- The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup
Derivationally Related Form:rebukerchidingreprimandscoldingrebukelecturescolder
Hypernyms:criticise criticize knock pick apart
Inherited Hypernyms:call on the carpetknockcommentnotestateexpress
Direct Hyponyms:brush downcastigatechastenchastisecorrectobjurgatetell off
Full Troponyms:chastiseflametell off
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: remonstrate, jaw, have words) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: bawl out, chew up, chew out, scold, lambast, dress down, rag, rebuke, lambaste, berate)
vverb.communicationshow one's unhappiness or critical attitudeSynset:grouch grumble scold
Examples:- He scolded about anything that he thought was wrong
- We grumbled about the increased work load
Derivationally Related Form:grumblerscoldscoldergrouchgrumble
Hypernyms:complain kick kvetch plain quetch sound off
Inherited Hypernyms:grouchcomplain
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s PP