nnoun.artifactan area that includes places where several people can sitSynset:seating seating area seating room
Examples:- there is seating for 40 students in this classroom
Derivationally Related Form:seat
Hypernyms:elbow room room way
Inherited Hypernyms:seatingroompositionrelationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:circledress circleorchestraparquetparquet circleparterreringsideringside seatstalltiered seat
Member Meronyms:seat
Full Hyponyms:bleacherscirclegrandstandorchestraparquetparquet circlereviewing standringsidestallstandtiered seat
nnoun.locationa space reserved for sitting (as in a theater or on a train or airplane)Topic:aeroplaneairplaneplanedramatic artdramaticsdramaturgytheatertheatre
Synset:place seat
Examples:- he booked their seats in advance
- he sat in someone else's place
Derivationally Related Form:seat
Inherited Hypernyms:seatspacearearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:perch
nnoun.bodythe fleshy part of the human body that you sit onSynset:arse ass backside behind bottom bum buns butt buttocks can derriere fanny fundament hind end hindquarters keister nates posterior prat rear rear end rump seat stern tail tail end tooshie tush
Examples:- he deserves a good kick in the butt
- are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?
Derivationally Related Form:posterior
Part Holonyms:body torso trunk
Hypernyms:body part
Inherited Hypernyms:buttocksbody partpartthingphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifactfurniture that is designed for sitting onExamples:- there were not enough seats for all the guests
Derivationally Related Form:seat
Member Holonyms:seating seating area seating room seats
Hypernyms:article of furniture furniture piece of furniture
Inherited Hypernyms:seatfurniturefurnishinginstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:benchboxbox seatchaircouchhassockloungeottomanpoufpouffepuffsofastooltoilet seat
Instance Hyponyms:Siege Perilous
Part Meronyms:seat upholstery
Full Hyponyms:armchairbanquettebarber chairbath chairbenchboston rockerboxbox seatcamp chaircampstoolcaptain's chaircathedrachairchair of statechaise longuechesterfieldconvertiblecutty stooldavenportdaybeddeck chairdivaneames chaireasy chairfauteuilfighting chairflat benchfolding chairfootstoolhighchairladder-backlawn chairlove seatmercy seatmilking stoolmorris chairmotorized wheelchairmusic stoolmusnudottomanpark benchpeacock-thronepenalty boxpewplatform rockerprie-dieureclinerrocking chairsetteesettleshooflysofasquabstep stoolstoolstraight chairstudio couchswivel chairtablet-armed chairtaboretthronetoilet seatwheelchairwindow seatwindsor chairwing chairyacht chair
nnoun.artifactany support where you can sit (especially the part of a chair or bench etc. on which you sit)Examples:- he dusted off the seat before sitting down
Derivationally Related Form:seat
Part Holonyms:seat
Inherited Hypernyms:seatsupportdeviceinstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:backbenchbackseatballoon seatbell seatbicycle seatboatswain's chairbosun's chairbucket seatcapsulecar seatchaircockpitcrossbenchejection seatejector seatfront benchhoudahhowdahjump seatpillionplane seatrumblerumble seatsaddlesaddle seatsliding seat
Full Hyponyms:backbenchbackseatbell seatbicycle seatboatswain's chairbucket seatcar seatchaircockpitcrossbenchdeath seatdickeyejection seatenglish saddlefront benchhowdahjump seatpacksaddlepillionplane seatrumblerumble seatsaddlesaddle seatsidesaddlesliding seatstock saddle
nnoun.locationa center of authority (as a city from which authority is exercised)Derivationally Related Form:seat
Hypernyms:center centre eye heart middle
Inherited Hypernyms:seatcenterarearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:capitalcounty courthousecounty seatcounty townseeshire town
Full Hyponyms:capitalcounty seatcounty townnational capitalprovincial capitalseestate capital
nnoun.locationthe location (metaphorically speaking) where something is basedExamples:- the brain is said to be the seat of reason
Inherited Hypernyms:seatlocationobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.attributethe legal right to sit as a member in a legislative or similar bodyExamples:- he was elected to a seat in the Senate
Hypernyms:legal right
Inherited Hypernyms:seatlegal rightrightabstractionconceptideacontentcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.artifacta part of a machine that supports or guides another partHypernyms:part portion
Inherited Hypernyms:seatpartobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifactthe cloth covering for the buttocksExamples:- the seat of his pants was worn through
Part Holonyms:skirt pair of trousers pant trousers
Hypernyms:cloth covering
Inherited Hypernyms:seatcloth coveringcoveringartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
vverb.contactshow to a seat; assign a seat forSynset:seat sit sit down
Examples:- The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith
Derivationally Related Form:seatseating
Hypernyms:lay place pose position put set
Inherited Hypernyms:seatputmove
Direct Hyponyms:reseat
Causes:sit down sit
Full Troponyms:reseat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody PP
vverb.stativebe able to seatDerivationally Related Form:seatseating
Hypernyms:accommodate admit hold
Inherited Hypernyms:seataccommodate
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.socialplace ceremoniously or formally in an office or positionSynset:induct invest seat
Examples:- there was a ceremony to induct the president of the Academy
Derivationally Related Form:seatinducteeinduction
Hypernyms:instal install
Inherited Hypernyms:inductinstall
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody PP
vverb.possessionput a seat on a chairTopic:cabinetrycabinetwork
Derivationally Related Form:seat
Hypernyms:furnish provide render supply
Inherited Hypernyms:seatsupplygivetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:reseat
Full Troponyms:reseat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.possessionprovide with seatsTopic:architecture
Derivationally Related Form:seat
Hypernyms:furnish provide render supply
Inherited Hypernyms:seatsupplygivetransfer
Direct Hyponyms:reseat
Full Troponyms:reseat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactplace or attach firmly in or on a baseExamples:- seat the camera on the tripod
Hypernyms:lay place pose position put set
Inherited Hypernyms:seatputmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.contactplace in or on a seatExamples:- the mother seated the toddler on the high chair
Hypernyms:lay place pose position put set
Inherited Hypernyms:seatputmove
Causes:sit down sit
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody PP