vverb.motionmove or cause to move back and forthSynset:agitate shake
Examples:- The chemist shook the flask vigorously
- My hands were shaking
Derivationally Related Form:shakershakeshaking
Inherited Hypernyms:shakemove
Direct Hyponyms:concussconvulsefanfluff upjactitatejigglejogglepalpitateplump upquakerattleshake upslashspargesuccussthrashthrash aboutthreshthresh abouttosstrembletremorwiggle
Full Troponyms:concussconvulsefanfluff upjigglepalpitatequiverrattleshudderspargesuccusstrembletremorwagwhipwinnow
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.bodymove with or as if with a tremorSynset:didder shake
Derivationally Related Form:shakeshaking
Hypernyms:move involuntarily move reflexively
Inherited Hypernyms:shakemove involuntarilymove
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s
vverb.motionshake or vibrate rapidly and intensivelyRegion:BritainGreat BritainU.K.UKUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Synset:judder shake
Examples:- The old engine was juddering
Inherited Hypernyms:juddervibratemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s | Something ---s something
vverb.motionmove back and forth or sidewaysSynset:rock shake sway
Examples:- the ship was rocking
- the tall building swayed
- She rocked back and forth on her feet
Derivationally Related Form:shakerockerrocksway
Hypernyms:move back and forth
Inherited Hypernyms:rockmove back and forthmove
Direct Hyponyms:nutaterollswagtotter
Full Troponyms:nutaterollswagtotter
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | The crowds --- in the streets (apply to: shake, sway) | The streets --- with crowds (apply to: shake, sway)
vverb.changeundermine or cause to waverExamples:- my faith has been shaken
- The bad news shook her hopes
Inherited Hypernyms:shakeweakenchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.emotionstir the feelings, emotions, or peace ofSynset:excite shake shake up stimulate stir
Examples:- These stories shook the community
- the civil war shook the country
Derivationally Related Form:excitationexcitementstirstirrer
Hypernyms:arouse elicit enkindle evoke fire kindle provoke raise
Inherited Hypernyms:stimulatearousemake
Direct Hyponyms:affrightanimatearouseelateenlivenexaltexcitefrightfrightenfuelinspireintoxicateinvigorateinvitelift uppick upscaresextemptthrilltickletitillateturn onupliftvibratewind up
Full Troponyms:arouseawebeatifybluffbring outbuffalocheercheerleadconsternatedismaydraw outelateencourageexhilaratefosterfrightenfuelhold overholloinspireintimidateoverawepanicpatronizepuffserveshockspookspurstrong-armtake hearttemptterrifythrilltitillatetyrannize
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | The performance is likely to --- Sue (apply to: shake, stir, stimulate, excite, shake up) | The bad news will --- him (apply to: shake)
vverb.motionget rid ofSynset:escape from shake shake off throw off
Examples:- I couldn't shake the car that was following me
Hypernyms:break loose escape get away
Inherited Hypernyms:shakeescapefleescatleave
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.changebring to a specified condition by or as if by shakingExamples:- He was shaken from his dreams
- shake the salt out of the salt shaker
Hypernyms:alter change modify
Inherited Hypernyms:shakechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody
vverb.communicationshake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive stateExamples:- shake one's head
- She shook her finger at the naughty students
- The old enemies shook hands
- Don't shake your fist at me!
Derivationally Related Form:shake
Hypernyms:gesticulate gesture motion
Inherited Hypernyms:shakegesticulatecommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
adj satadj.alldisturbed psychologically as if by a physical jolt or shockSynset:jolted
Examples:- retrieved his named from her jolted memory
- the accident left her badly shaken
Inherited Hypernyms:jolted
Similar to:agitated