vverb.socialcheat someone by not returning him enough moneySynset:short
Hypernyms:bunco con defraud diddle goldbrick hornswoggle mulct nobble rook scam short-change swindle victimize
Inherited Hypernyms:short-changevictimizecheatvictimizewrongtreatinteractact
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody
vverb.socialdeprive of by deceit; Synset:bunco con defraud diddle goldbrick hornswoggle mulct nobble rook scam swindle victimize
Examples:- He swindled me out of my inheritance
- She defrauded the customers who trusted her
Derivationally Related Form:swindlescamconswindlerscammerbuncovictimizationdefrauder
Hypernyms:cheat chisel rip off
Inherited Hypernyms:victimizecheatvictimizewrongtreatinteractact
Direct Hyponyms:shortshort-change
Full Troponyms:short-change
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody PP | They --- him of all his money (apply to: swindle, rook, defraud, mulct, diddle, con, bunco, nobble)