vverb.contactstrike against forcefullySynset:batter buffet knock about
Inherited Hypernyms:buffetstriketouch
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.contactstrike violently and repeatedlySynset:baste batter clobber
Examples:- She clobbered the man who tried to attack her
Hypernyms:beat beat up work over
Inherited Hypernyms:clobberbeat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | They want to --- the prisoners (apply to: batter, baste, clobber)
vverb.changemake a dent or impression inSynset:batter dinge
Hypernyms:change form change shape deform
Inherited Hypernyms:dingechange shapechange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
adj satadj.alldamaged by blows or hard usageSynset:beat-up beaten-up
Examples:- a battered old car
- the beaten-up old Ford
Inherited Hypernyms:battered
Similar to:damaged
adj satadj.alldamaged especially by hard usageAntonyms:new
Inherited Hypernyms:battered
Similar to:worn
adj satadj.allexhibiting symptoms resulting from repeated physical and emotional injuryExamples:- a battered child
- the battered woman syndrome
Inherited Hypernyms:battered
Similar to:abused ill-treated maltreated mistreated