adjadj.allfeeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undoneSynset:bad regretful
Examples:- felt regretful over his vanished youth
- regretful over mistakes she had made
- he felt bad about breaking the vase
Inherited Hypernyms:regretful
See also:penitent repentant
adj satadj.allbad; unfortunateSynset:deplorable distressing lamentable pitiful sad
Examples:- my finances were in a deplorable state
- a lamentable decision
- her clothes were in sad shape
- a sorry state of affairs
Derivationally Related Form:sorrinesssadnesslament
Inherited Hypernyms:deplorable
Similar to:bad
adj satadj.allwithout merit; of little or no value or useSynset:good-for-naught good-for-nothing meritless no-account no-count no-good
Examples:- a sorry horse
- a sorry excuse
- a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick
- the car was a no-good piece of junk
Derivationally Related Form:good-for-nothinggood-for-naughtsorriness
Inherited Hypernyms:good-for-nothing
Similar to:worthless
adj satadj.allcausing dejectionSynset:blue dark dingy disconsolate dismal drab drear dreary gloomy grim
Examples:- a blue day
- the dark days of the war
- a week of rainy depressing weather
- a disconsolate winter landscape
- the first dismal dispiriting days of November
- a dark gloomy day
- grim rainy weather
Derivationally Related Form:dreariness
Inherited Hypernyms:blue
Similar to:cheerless depressing uncheerful