nnoun.actthe act of sprinkling or splashing waterSynset:sprinkle sprinkling
Examples:- baptized with a sprinkling of holy water
- a sparge of warm water over the malt
Derivationally Related Form:sprinkle
Inherited Hypernyms:sprinklewateringwettingchange of statechangeactionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
vverb.motionagitate by introducing air or compressed gasHypernyms:agitate shake
Inherited Hypernyms:spargeshakemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changescatter with liquid; wet lightlySynset:besprinkle sprinkle
Derivationally Related Form:sprinklesprinklersprinkling
Inherited Hypernyms:sprinklewetchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | They --- the bread with melted butter (apply to: sprinkle)