vverb.motionrise to one's feetSynset:arise get up rise uprise
Examples:- The audience got up and applauded
Antonyms:sit downlie down
Derivationally Related Form:riseriser
Hypernyms:change posture
Inherited Hypernyms:arisechange posturechange
Direct Hyponyms:take the floor
Full Troponyms:take the floor
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s | Sam and Sue --- (apply to: get up, rise, stand up, arise)
vverb.competitionrefuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attackHypernyms:hold out resist stand firm withstand
Inherited Hypernyms:stand upresistfightcontend
Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP
vverb.contactput into an upright positionSynset:place upright stand
Examples:- Can you stand the bookshelf up?
Derivationally Related Form:standardstand
Hypernyms:lay place pose position put set
Inherited Hypernyms:standputmove
Causes:stand up stand
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP | They --- the bags on the table (apply to: stand)
vverb.contactbe standing; be uprightSynset:stand
Examples:- We had to stand for the entire performance!
Derivationally Related Form:standingstandstanderstandeestance
Inherited Hypernyms:standrestbe
Direct Hyponyms:line upqueuequeue uprampstand back
Entailment:arise get up rise stand up uprise
Full Troponyms:line uprampstand back
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Something is ---ing PP | Somebody ---s PP | The chairs --- in the corner (apply to: stand)
vverb.communicationdefend against attack or criticismSynset:stick up
Examples:- He stood up for his friend
- She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student
Hypernyms:defend fend for support
Inherited Hypernyms:stand updefendarguepresentstateexpress
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP
vverb.stativeresist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.Synset:hold up hold water
Examples:- Her shoes won't hold up
- This theory won't hold water
Hypernyms:endure go hold out hold up last live live on survive
Inherited Hypernyms:stand upsurvive
Sentence Frame:Something ---s
vverb.motionrise up as in fearSynset:bristle uprise
Examples:- The dog's fur bristled
- It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!
Derivationally Related Form:bristle
Inherited Hypernyms:bristle
Sentence Frame:Something ---s