vverb.contactdeliver a sharp blow, as with the hand, fist, or weaponExamples:- The teacher struck the child
- the opponent refused to strike
- The boxer struck the attacker dead
Derivationally Related Form:strikingstrikestriker
Inherited Hypernyms:striketouch
Direct Hyponyms:batterbeakbeatbuffetbuntbuttchopcloutcut downdabdownhewjabknapknockknock aboutknock downlashpatpeckpickpull downpush downrapsclaffsideswipeslapspurstrike hardtaptipwhip
Full Troponyms:bastinadobeatbeetlebuffetbuttchopcloutcuffdabdeckdownfullhammerheadbutthewjabknockpastepeckpercussrapsclaffsideswipeslapsledgehammersnagspursubmarinetapthrashurticatewhangwhip
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s | Something ---s something | Something ---s somebody | The fighter managed to --- his opponent (apply to: strike)
vverb.emotionhave an emotional or cognitive impact uponSynset:affect impress move strike
Examples:- This child impressed me as unusually mature
- This behavior struck me as odd
- he was dumb-struck by the news
- her comments struck a sour note
Derivationally Related Form:impressibleimpressiveaffectiveaffect
Inherited Hypernyms:affect
Direct Hyponyms:alienateawakenclouddisturbengravehit homeimpressinfectingraininstilljarmovepiercesaddensmitestirstrike a chordstrike a notestrike dumbstrike homesurprisesweep awaysweep offtouchtroubleupsetzap
Causes:experience feel
Full Troponyms:agitatealienateamazeawakenbesiegebothercatchclouddazzledistressdisturbeatelectrifyengraveexplode a bombshellflabbergastgethit homehype upimpressinfectjarjoltmisgivemovenagperturbpiercepotherprepossesssaddenshocksmitestartlestrike dumbsurprisesweep awaytouchweigh downworrywowzap
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody | The performance is likely to --- Sue (apply to: move) | The bad news will --- him (apply to: impress, strike, move, affect) | The good news will --- her (apply to: impress, strike, move, affect)
vverb.contacthit against; come into sudden contact withSynset:collide with hit impinge on run into strike
Examples:- The car hit a tree
- He struck the table with his elbow
Derivationally Related Form:strikingstrikehithittingstriker
Inherited Hypernyms:hittouch
Direct Hyponyms:bangbottombottom outbroadsidebumpbump intobutt againstclashcollideconnectglancejar againstknockknock againstpingrear-endrun intospangspatstubthud
Full Troponyms:bottombottom outbroadsidebumpcollideconnectcrashglancepingrear-endrun intoshocksmashspangspatstubthud
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | The car ---s the tree (apply to: strike, hit, run into, collide with) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: collide with)
vverb.competitionmake a strategic, offensive, assault against an enemy, opponent, or a targetSynset:hit strike
Examples:- The Germans struck Poland on Sept. 1, 1939
- We must strike the enemy's oil fields
- in the fifth inning, the Giants struck, sending three runners home to win the game 5 to 2
Derivationally Related Form:strike
Hypernyms:assail attack
Inherited Hypernyms:strikeattackcontend
Direct Hyponyms:chopretaliateslicestrike backstroke
Full Troponyms:chopretaliateslicestroke
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s | Something ---s something | Something ---s somebody
vverb.communicationindicate (a certain time) by strikingExamples:- The clock struck midnight
- Just when I entered, the clock struck
Hypernyms:read record register show
Inherited Hypernyms:strikereadindicateinformcommunicateinteractact
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.contactaffect or afflict suddenly, usually adverselySynset:hit strike
Examples:- We were hit by really bad weather
- He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager
- The earthquake struck at midnight
Hypernyms:affect bear on bear upon impact touch touch on
Inherited Hypernyms:hitaffectchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something | Somebody ---s PP (apply to: strike) | The wind storms --- the area with dust and dirt (apply to: hit)
vverb.socialstop work in order to press demandsSynset:strike walk out
Examples:- The auto workers are striking for higher wages
- The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met
Derivationally Related Form:strikewalkoutstriker
Hypernyms:dissent protest resist
Inherited Hypernyms:strikeprotestopposerefutedisownrejectevaluatethink
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s
vverb.stativetouch or seem as if touching visually or audiblySynset:fall shine strike
Examples:- Light fell on her face
- The sun shone on the fields
- The light struck the golden necklace
- A strange sound struck my ears
Hypernyms:come about fall out go on hap happen occur pass pass off take place
Inherited Hypernyms:fallhappen
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.socialattainSynset:come to strike
Examples:- The horse finally struck a pace
Hypernyms:accomplish achieve attain reach
Inherited Hypernyms:come toachievesucceed
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.contactproduce by manipulating keys or strings of musical instrumentsSynset:hit strike
Examples:- The pianist strikes a middle C
- strike 'z' on the keyboard
Inherited Hypernyms:striketouch
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changecause to form (an electric arc) between electrodes of an arc lampHypernyms:form shape
Inherited Hypernyms:strikeshapechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.possessionfind unexpectedlySynset:attain chance on chance upon come across come upon discover fall upon happen upon light upon strike
Examples:- the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb
- she struck a goldmine
- The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake
Derivationally Related Form:discovery
Hypernyms:find regain
Inherited Hypernyms:fall uponfindget
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationproduce by ignition or a blowExamples:- strike fire from the flintstone
- strike a match
Hypernyms:create make
Inherited Hypernyms:strikemake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.contactremove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a lineSynset:excise expunge scratch strike
Examples:- Please strike this remark from the record
- scratch that remark
Derivationally Related Form:expunctionexpungingexcision
Hypernyms:cancel delete
Inherited Hypernyms:strikedeleteremove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Something ---s something
vverb.perceptioncause to experience suddenlySynset:come to hit strike
Examples:- Panic struck me
- An interesting idea hit her
- A thought came to me
- The thought struck terror in our minds
- They were struck with fear
Inherited Hypernyms:hit
Sentence Frame:Something ---s somebody
vverb.motiondrive something violently into a locationSynset:hit strike
Examples:- he hit his fist on the table
- she struck her head on the low ceiling
Hypernyms:displace move
Inherited Hypernyms:hitmove
Direct Hyponyms:smash
Full Troponyms:smash
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP
vverb.motionoccupy or take onSynset:assume strike take take up
Examples:- He assumes the lotus position
- She took her seat on the stage
- We took our seats in the orchestra
- She took up her position behind the tree
- strike a pose
Inherited Hypernyms:assumemove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | The men --- the horses across the field (apply to: take)
vverb.creationdisassemble a temporary structure, such as a tent or a theatrical setExamples:- after the show, we'll have to strike the set and pack up
Hypernyms:break apart break up disassemble dismantle take apart
Inherited Hypernyms:strikedisassembledestroyunmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.creationform by stamping, punching, or printingSynset:coin mint strike
Examples:- strike coins
- strike a medal
Derivationally Related Form:mintmintagecoincoinerminter
Hypernyms:create from raw material create from raw stuff
Inherited Hypernyms:mintcreate from raw materialmake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactsmooth with a strickleSynset:strickle strike
Examples:- strickle the grain in the measure
Hypernyms:even even out flush level
Inherited Hypernyms:strickleflushchange surfacechange
Entailment:smooth smoothen
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.contactpierce with forceExamples:- The bullet struck her thigh
- The icy wind struck through our coats
Hypernyms:penetrate perforate
Inherited Hypernyms:strikepenetrateenter
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | Something is ---ing PP
vverb.cognitionarrive at after reckoning, deliberating, and weighingExamples:- strike a balance
- strike a bargain
Hypernyms:figure out lick puzzle out solve work work out
Inherited Hypernyms:strikesolveunderstand
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
adj satadj.all(used in combination) affected by something overwhelmingDomain Usage:combining form
Synset:smitten stricken
Examples:- conscience-smitten
- awe-struck
Inherited Hypernyms:smitten
Similar to:affected