

单词 stuart
nnoun.personUnited States painter best known for his portraits of George Washington (1755-1828)
Synset:Gilbert Charles Stuart Gilbert Stuart Stuart
Instance Hypernyms:painter
Inherited Hypernyms:stuartpainterartistcreatorpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:stuartpainterartistcreatorpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.persona member of the royal family that ruled Scotland and England
Member Holonyms:Stuart
Hypernyms:ruler swayer
Inherited Hypernyms:stuartrulerpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:stuartrulerpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.groupthe royal family that ruled Scotland from 1371-1714 and ruled England from 1603 to 1649 and again from 1660 to 1714
Hypernyms:dynasty royal family royal house royal line royalty
Inherited Hypernyms:stuartdynastyfamilylineagegenealogykinsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:stuartroyaltyhousefamilylineagegenealogykinsocial groupgroupabstractionentity
Member Meronyms:James James IV James James II James James I King James King James I Mary Queen of Scots Mary Stuart Stuart




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