nnoun.fooda mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetablesSynset:dressing
Derivationally Related Form:dressstuff
Hypernyms:concoction intermixture mixture
Inherited Hypernyms:stuffingconcoctionfoodstufffoodsubstancematterphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:farceforcemeatoyster dressingoyster stuffingturkey stuffing
Full Hyponyms:forcemeatoyster stuffingturkey stuffing
nnoun.artifactpadding put in mattresses and cushions and upholstered furnitureHypernyms:cushioning padding
Inherited Hypernyms:stuffingpaddingartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:battenbatting
vverb.contactcram into a cavityExamples:- The child stuffed candy into his pockets
Inherited Hypernyms:stuffcramputmove
Direct Hyponyms:chock upcramfill outjamjampackoverstuffpadramwad
Full Troponyms:jamoverstuffpadrat
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something with something | They --- the cart with boxes (apply to: stuff)
vverb.motionpress or forceSynset:shove squeeze stuff thrust
Examples:- Stuff money into an envelope
- She thrust the letter into his hand
Derivationally Related Form:shovethrust
Hypernyms:force push
Inherited Hypernyms:thrustpushmove
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody PP | Somebody ---s something PP | They --- the books into the box (apply to: shove, stuff, squeeze, thrust)
vverb.contactobstructSynset:block choke up lug stuff
Examples:- My nose is all stuffed
- Her arteries are blocked
Derivationally Related Form:blockageblock
Hypernyms:back up choke choke off clog clog up congest foul
Inherited Hypernyms:stuffclogobstructimpedeprevent
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.consumptionovereat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneselfSynset:binge englut engorge glut gorge gormandise gormandize gourmandize ingurgitate overeat overgorge overindulge pig out satiate scarf out stuff
Examples:- She stuffed herself at the dinner
- The kids binged on ice cream
Derivationally Related Form:overeatinggourmandgourmandizeroverindulgencegorgerengorgementbinge
Inherited Hypernyms:gorgeeatconsume
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s PP
vverb.changetreat with grease, fill, and prepare for mountingHypernyms:impregnate saturate
Inherited Hypernyms:stuffimpregnatefillchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changefill tightly with a materialExamples:- stuff a pillow with feathers
Derivationally Related Form:stuffer
Hypernyms:fill fill up make full
Inherited Hypernyms:stufffillchange
Direct Hyponyms:cork
Full Troponyms:cork
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something with something
vverb.changefill with a stuffing while cookingTopic:cookerycookingpreparation
Synset:farce stuff
Examples:- Have you stuffed the turkey yet?
Derivationally Related Form:farcestuffing
Hypernyms:fill fill up make full
Inherited Hypernyms:farcefillchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something PP | Somebody ---s something with something