Part Holonyms:eve even evening eventide
Hypernyms:hour time of day
Inherited Hypernyms:sunsethourclock timereadingdatuminformationcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
单词 | sunset |
释义 | Sunset nnoun.timethe time in the evening at which the sun begins to fall below the horizon Synset:sundown Antonyms:sunrise Part Holonyms:eve even evening eventide Hypernyms:hour time of day Inherited Hypernyms:sunsethourclock timereadingdatuminformationcognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity nnoun.phenomenonatmospheric phenomena accompanying the daily disappearance of the sun Hypernyms:atmospheric phenomenon Inherited Hypernyms:sunsetatmospheric phenomenonphysical phenomenonnatural phenomenonphenomenonprocessphysical entityentity nnoun.eventthe daily event of the sun sinking below the horizon Hypernyms:periodic event recurrent event Inherited Hypernyms:sunsetperiodic eventhappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity adj satadj.allof a declining industry or technology Examples:
Antonyms:new Inherited Hypernyms:sunset Similar to:old adj satadj.allproviding for termination Examples:
Antonyms:first Inherited Hypernyms:sunset Similar to:last |
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