- The music swelled to a crescendo
Inherited Hypernyms:swellincreasechange magnitudechange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP
单词 | swollen |
释义 | Swollen vverb.changeincrease in size, magnitude, number, or intensity Examples:
Hypernyms:increase Inherited Hypernyms:swellincreasechange magnitudechange Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP vverb.socialbecome filled with pride, arrogance, or anger Synset:puff up swell Examples:
Hypernyms:act behave do Inherited Hypernyms:swellact Sentence Frame:Something ---s vverb.changeexpand abnormally Synset:intumesce swell swell up tumefy tumesce Examples:
Derivationally Related Form:swellingtumescentintumescencyintumescencetumefaction Hypernyms:expand Inherited Hypernyms:swellexpandgrowincreasechange magnitudechange Direct Hyponyms:bellybelly outblisterbloatblow updistendpuffpuff outpuff upvesicate Full Troponyms:bellyblisterbloatdistendpuff Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Did his feet ---? (apply to: swell up, swell) vverb.stativecome up (as of feelings and thoughts, or other ephemeral things) Synset:swell well up Examples:
Hypernyms:arise develop grow originate rise spring up uprise Inherited Hypernyms:well uporiginatebecome Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Something is ---ing PP vverb.motioncome up, as of a liquid Synset:swell well Examples:
Hypernyms:come up rise rise up surface Inherited Hypernyms:wellsurfaceascendtravel Sentence Frame:Something is ---ing PP vverb.changecause to become swollen Examples:
Hypernyms:grow Inherited Hypernyms:swellgrowdevelopchange Direct Hyponyms:bloatbulgebulktumefy Causes:intumesce swell up swell tumefy tumesce Full Troponyms:bloatbulgedistendtumefy Sentence Frame:Something ---s something adj satadj.allcharacteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance Synset:conceited egotistic egotistical self-conceited swollen-headed vain Examples:
Antonyms:humble Derivationally Related Form:vanityegotistegotism Inherited Hypernyms:conceited Similar to:proud |
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