

单词 sword lily
Sword Lily
nnoun.plantany of numerous plants of the genus Gladiolus native chiefly to tropical and South Africa having sword-shaped leaves and one-sided spikes of brightly colored funnel-shaped flowers; widely cultivated
Synset:glad gladiola gladiolus
Member Holonyms:genus Gladiolus
Hypernyms:iridaceous plant
Inherited Hypernyms:gladiolusiridaceous plantbulbous plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.plantplants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals
Synset:flag fleur-de-lis iris
Member Holonyms:genus Iris
Hypernyms:iridaceous plant
Inherited Hypernyms:irisiridaceous plantbulbous plantvascular plantplantorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:English irisIris cristataIris foetidissimaIris persicaIris pseudacorusIris vernaIris versicolorIris virginicaIris xiphioidesPersian irisbearded irisbeardless irisblue flagbulbous irisdwarf irisgladdongladdon irisroast beef plantsouthern blue flagstinking gladwynstinking irisvernal irisyellow flagyellow irisyellow water flag
Full Hyponyms:
bearded irisbeardless irisblue flagbulbous irisdalmatian irisdutch irisdwarf irisenglish irisflorentine irisgerman irisjapanese irispersian irissouthern blue flagspanish irisstinking irisyellow iris




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