nnoun.quantitya slight but appreciable amountSynset:hint jot mite pinch soupcon speck touch
Examples:- this dish could use a touch of garlic
Hypernyms:small indefinite amount small indefinite quantity
Inherited Hypernyms:touchsmall indefinite quantityindefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:snuff
nnoun.attributea pale or subdued colorSynset:undertone
Derivationally Related Form:tinge
Hypernyms:shade tincture tint tone
Inherited Hypernyms:undertoneshadecolorvisual propertypropertyattributeabstractionentity
vverb.communicationaffect as in thought or feelingSynset:color colour distort
Examples:- My personal feelings color my judgment in this case
- The sadness tinged his life
Hypernyms:affect bear on bear upon impact touch touch on
Inherited Hypernyms:tingeaffectchange
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
vverb.changecolor lightlySynset:tinct tint touch
Examples:- her greying hair was tinged blond
- the leaves were tinged red in November
Derivationally Related Form:tincturetintertinttingetinting
Hypernyms:color color in colorise colorize colour colour in colourise colourize
Inherited Hypernyms:tintcolorchange
Direct Hyponyms:complexionhennatincture
Full Troponyms:complexionhennatincture
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something