nnoun.actthe act of testing somethingSynset:run test
Examples:- in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately
- he called each flip of the coin a new trial
Derivationally Related Form:testrun
Hypernyms:attempt effort endeavor endeavour try
Inherited Hypernyms:testattemptactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:MOTMOT testMinistry of Transportation testSnellen testassayauditionclinical testclinical trialdouble blindfield trialfittingpilot programpilot projectpreclinical phasepreclinical testpreclinical trialtry-ontrying ontryout
Full Hyponyms:agglutination testassayauditionbioassaybiopsyblood testchorionic villus samplingclinical trialcloze procedurecomplement fixation testdiagnostic testdick testdouble blindenzyme-linked-immunosorbent serologic assayfecal occult testfield trialfittingfriedman testgi seriesglucose tolerance testheterophil testimmunoassayimmunohistochemistryintradermal testmantoux testmotneedle biopsypap testpatch testphase i clinical trialphase ii clinical trialphase iii clinical trialphase iv clinical trialpilot projectpku testpreclinical trialpregnancy testpsa blood testqueckenstedt's testradioactive iodine excretion testradioactive iodine testradioactive iodine uptake testradioimmunoassayrubin testschick testscratch testscreen testskin testsnellen testtine testtissue typingtuberculin testvital capacitywassermann testwidal test
nnoun.cognitiontrying something to find out about itSynset:test trial run tryout
Examples:- a sample for ten days free trial
- a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain
Derivationally Related Form:trytesttry out
Hypernyms:experiment experimentation
Inherited Hypernyms:trialexperimentinquiryproblem solvingthinkinghigher cognitive processprocesscognitionpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:alpha testbeta testfield testfield trialroad testtrial balloon
Full Hyponyms:alpha testbeta testfield trialroad testtest drivetrial balloon
nnoun.actthe act of undergoing testingSynset:test
Examples:- he survived the great test of battle
- candidates must compete in a trial of skill
Derivationally Related Form:trytest
Hypernyms:attempt effort endeavor endeavour try
Inherited Hypernyms:testattemptactivityacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.act(law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of lawTopic:jurisprudencelaw
Examples:- he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty
- most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial
Derivationally Related Form:try
Hypernyms:legal proceeding proceeding proceedings
Inherited Hypernyms:trialproceedingdue processgroup actionacteventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Inherited Hypernyms:trialproceedingdue processgroup actioneventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:Scopes trialcourt-martialmistrialordealretrialshow trialtrial by ordeal
Part Meronyms:defence defense demurrer denial plea criminal prosecution prosecution
Full Hyponyms:court-martialmistrialordealretrialscopes trialshow trial
nnoun.event(sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualificationsTopic:athleticssport
Examples:- the trials for the semifinals began yesterday
Hypernyms:competition contest
Inherited Hypernyms:trialcontestsocial eventeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
nnoun.eventan annoying or frustrating or catastrophic eventSynset:tribulation visitation
Examples:- his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him
- life is full of tribulations
- a visitation of the plague
Derivationally Related Form:trytribulatevisit
Inherited Hypernyms:trialafflictiontroublehappeningeventpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:fire