adjadj.allmarked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequenceExamples:- cars in an unbroken procession
- the unbroken quiet of the afternoon
Inherited Hypernyms:unbroken
Similar to:solid uninterrupted
See also:continuous uninterrupted
adj satadj.allnot subdued or trained for service or useAntonyms:tame
Inherited Hypernyms:unbroken
Similar to:untamed wild
adjadj.all(of farmland) not plowedSynset:unploughed unplowed
Examples:- unplowed fields
- unbroken land
Inherited Hypernyms:unplowed
Similar to:fallow untilled
adjadj.all(especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregardedTopic:contract
Examples:- unbroken promises
- promises kept
Inherited Hypernyms:unbroken
adjadj.allnot broken; whole and intact; in one pieceAttributes:integrity unity wholeness
Examples:- fortunately the other lens is unbroken
Inherited Hypernyms:unbroken
See also:perfect sound undamaged uninjured